Lesson 3 Bibliography: The Eutresis and Korakou Cultures of Early Helladic I-II
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E. E. Galligan, Early Helladic Decorated Ceramic Hearths (Ph.D. dissertation, Univeersity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2013).
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J. Weingarten, “Early Helladic II Sealings from Geraki in Lakonia: Evidence for Property, Textile Manufacture, and Trade,” in W. Müller (ed.), Minoisch-mykenische Glyptik: Stil, Ikonographie, Funktion [CMS Beiheft 6] (Berlin 2000) 317-330.
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J. Weingarten, S. M. Thorne, M. Prent, and J. H. Crouwel, “More Early Helladic Sealings from Geraki in Lakonia, Greece,” OJA 30(2011) 131-163.
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M. H. Wiencke, “Banded Pithoi of Lerna III,” Hesperia 39(1970) 94-110.
M. H. Wiencke, “The Lerna Sealings,” in Die kretisch-mykenische Glyptik und ihre gegenwärtige Probleme (Marburg 1974) 149-172.
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