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Lesson 3.4: Central and Southern Greece: Settlement Architecture

Lesson 3 Bibliography: The Eutresis and Korakou Cultures of Early Helladic I-II

V. L. Aravantinos, “The EH II Fortified Building at Thebes: Notes on Its Architecture,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 57-63.

I. Aslanis, “Frühe Fortifikationssysteme in Griechenland,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 35-44.

M. Aufschnaiter, “Frühägäische Kanalisationsanlagen: Eine Prestigesache?,” in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 41-52.

M. Caskey, “Thoughts on Early Bronze Age Hearths,” in R. Hägg and G. C. Nordquist (eds.), Celebrations of Death and Divinity in the Bronze Age Argolid (Stockholm 1990) 13-21.

M. B. Cosmopoulos, “Le Bronze Ancien 2 en Argolide: habitat, urbanisme, population,” in A. Pariente and G. Touchais (eds.), Argos et l'Argolide: Topographie et Urbanisme (Paris 1998) 41-56.

A. Dakouri-Hild, E. Andrikou, V. Aravantinos, and E. Kountouri, “A GIS in Boeotian Thebes: Taking Measures for Heritage Management, Archaeological Research and Public Outreach,” in K. P. Foster and R. Laffineur (eds.), METRON: Measuring the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 24] (Liège/Austin 2003) 49-56.

F. Felten, “Early Urban History and Architecture of Ancient Aigina,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 21-28.

W. Gauss, “Considerations on Aegean Bronze Age Fortifications,” in S. Hansen and R. Krause (eds.), Bronze Age Fortresses in Europe (Bonn 2019) 53-80.

P. Haider, “Zum frühhelladischen Rundbau in Tiryns,” in Forschungen und Funde: Festschrift B. Neutsch (Innsbruck 1980) 157-172.

S. Harrison, “Domestic Architecture in Early Helladic II: Some Observations on the Form of Non-monumental Houses,” BSA 90(1995) 23-40.

S. Hiller, “Early and Late Helladic 'Megara': Questions of Architectural Continuity in Bronze Age Greece,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 85-89.

M. Ivanova, Befestigte Siedlungen auf dem Balkan, in der Ägäis und in Westanatolien, ca. 5,000 – 2,000 v. Chr. [Tübinger Schriften zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8] (Münster 2008).

K. A. Jazwa, “The Construction of Early Helladic II Ceramic Roofing Tiles from Mitrou, Greece: Influence and Interactions,” Mediterranean Archaeology and Anthropology 18:2(2018) 153-173. [doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1297155]

P. P. Kalogerakou, “Ta protoelladika II ‘oikodomemata me diadromous’: protaseis gia ten leitourgia kai te semasia tous,” in I. Kilian-Dirlmeier and M. Egg (eds.), Eliten in der Bronzezeit: Ergebnisse zweier Colloquien in Mainz und Athen (Mainz 1999) 87-101.

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D. Katsonopoulou and S. Katsarou, “Mainland Cosmopolitanism and the Rise of Personal Prestige: New Evidence from the Coastal Early Helladic Town of Helike, North-west Peloponnese, Greece,” BSA 112(2017) 1-32.

K. Kilian, “The Circular Building at Tiryns,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 65-71.

D. Konsola, Promykenaïke Theva: Chorotaxike kai oikistike diarthrose (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Athens 1981).

D. Konsola, E proîme astikopoiese stous protoelladikous oikismous (Athens 1984).

D. Konsola, “Beobachtungen zum Wegenetz in frühhelladischen Siedlungen,” AA (1984) 197-210.

D. Konsola, “Stages of Urban Transformation in the Early Helladic Period,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 9-19.

D. Konsola, “Settlement Size and the Beginning of Urbanization,” in P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique (Athens 1990) 463-471.

R. Krause, “Fortresses and Fortifications. On Fortified Hilltop Settlements of the Bronze Age,” in S. Hansen and R. Krause (eds.), Bronze Age Fortresses in Europe (Bonn 2019) 1-16.

D. Leiner, “Die frühbronzezeitliche Architektur in der Ägäis. Studien zu Siedlungsformen, Urbanistik und Bauwesen,” in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 205-218.

J. Maran, “The Persistence of Place and Memory: The Case of the Early Helladic Rundbau and the Mycenaean Palatial Megara of Tiryns,” in M. Bartelheim, B. Horejs, and R. Krauss (eds.), Von Baden bis Troia: Ressourcennutzung, Metallurgie und Wissenstransfer: Eine Jubiläumsschrift für Ernst Pernicka (Rahden/Westfalen 2016) 153-173.

J. Maran, “The Presence of the Past: Ruin Mounds and Social Memory in Bronze and Early Iron Age Israel and Greece,” in A. Gilboa and A. Yasur-Landau (eds), Nomads of the Mediterranean: Trade and Contact in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Studies in Honor of Michal Artzy (Leiden 2020) 177-198.

S. Marinatos, “Greniers de l'Helladique ancien,” BCH 70(1946) 337-351.

P. Marzolff, “Das zweifache Rätsel Tiryns,” in E. L. Schwandner and K. Rheidt (eds.), Macht der Architektur – Architektur der Macht (Mainz 2004) 79-91.

P. Marzolff, “Der frühbronzezeitliche Rundbau von Tiryns : architektonischer Einzelgänger oder Aussenposten einer östlichen Koine,” in A. Kyriatsoulis (ed.), Bronze Age Architectural Traditions in the East Mediterranean: Diffusion and Diversity (Weilheim 2009) 185-207.

M. Nilsson, A Civilization in the Making: A Contextual Study of Early Bronze Age Corridor Buildings in the Aegean (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Göteborg 2004).

J. O’Neill, “Utility and Metaphor: The Design of the House of Tiles at Lerna,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 217-220.

J. O’Neill, Corridors of Power: The Function of the House of Tiles in Early Helladic II Lerna (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Melbourne 2008).

J. C. Overbeck, A Study of Early Helladic Architecture (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati 1963). 

O. Peperaki, “The House of the Tiles at Lerna: Dimensions of ‘Social Complexity’,” in J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 6] (Oxford 2004) 214-231.

O. Peperaki, Complexity, Power and “Associations that Matter”: Rethinking Social Organization in the Early Bronze Age 2 Mainland Greece (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Sheffield 2007). 

O. Peperaki, “Models of Relatedness and Early Helladic Architecture: Unpacking the Early Helladic II Hearth Room,” JMA 23:2(2010) 245-264.

O. Polychronopoulou, “Existe-t-il des villes au Bronze Ancien et au Bronze Moyen en Grèce continentale?,” in P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique [BCH Supplément 19] (Paris 1990) 473-484.

D. J. Pullen, “A 'House of Tiles' at Zygouries? The Function of Monumental Early Helladic Architecture,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 79-84.

A. Sampson, “Architecture and Urbanization in Manika, Chalkis,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 47-50.

J. W. Shaw, “The Early Helladic II Corridor House: Development and Form,” AJA 91(1987) 59-79.

J. W. Shaw, “The Early Helladic II Corridor House: Problems and Possibilities,” in P. Darcque and R. Treuil (eds.), L'habitat égéen préhistorique (Paris 1990) 183-194.

J. W. Shaw, “Sequencing the EH II ‘Corridor Houses,” BSA 102(2008) 137-151.

T. F. Strasser, “Bothroi in the Aegean Early Bronze Age,” in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 813-817.

P. G. Themelis, “Early Helladic Monumental Architecture,” AM 99(1984) 335-351.

P. G. Themelis, “Mnemeiaka Protochalka oikodomemata: E periptose ton Akovitikon,” in D. Katsonopoulou (ed.), Helike IV: Archaia Helike kai Aigialeia. Protoelladika: E notia kai kentrike Ellada; Ancient Helike and Aigialeia. Protohelladika: The Southern and Central Greek Mainland (Athens 2011) 295-309.

G. Vavouranakis, Eikona kai archaiologia: E periptose tes proïstorikes architektonikes. Meros A’. E apeikonise kai e melete tes proïstorikes architektonikes sto Aigaio (Athens 2015).

E. Weiberg, “Topography and Settlement: Perception of the Bounded Space,” in D. Katsonopoulou (ed.), Helike IV: Archaia Helike kai Aigialeia. Protoelladika: E notia kai kentrike Ellada; Ancient Helike and Aigialeia. Protohelladika: The Southern and Central Greek Mainland (Athens 2011) 45-61.

M. H. Wiencke, “'Building BG at Lerna,” in R. Hägg and D. Konsola (eds.), Early Helladic Architecture and Urbanization (Göteborg 1986) 41-45.

M. H. Wiencke, Lerna. A Preclassical Site in the Argolid IV: The Architecture, Stratification, and Pottery of Lerna III (Princeton 2000).

M. H. Wiencke, “'Ceremonial Lerna’,” in W. Gauss, M. Lindblom, R. A. K. Smith, and J. C. Wright (eds.), Our Cups Are Full: Pottery and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2011) 345-354.

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