Lesson 4 Bibliography: The Early Cycladic Period
R. L. N. Barber, “A Tomb at Ayios Loukas, Syros: Some Thoughts on Early-Middle Cycladic Chronology,” JMAA 1(1981) 167-179.
R. L. N. Barber and J. A. MacGillivray, “The Early Cycladic Period: Matters of Definition and Terminology,” AJA 84(1980) 141-157.
E-M. Bossert, “Zur Datierung der Gräber von Arkesine auf Amorgos,” Festschrift für Peter Goessler (Stuttgart 1954) 23-34.
C. Bronk Ramsey, C. Renfrew, and M. J. Boyd, “The Radiocarbon Determinations,” in C. Renfrew, O. Philaniotou, N. Brodie, G. Gavalas, and M. J. Boyd (eds.), The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice: The Excavations of 2006-2008 I: The Settlement at Dhaskalio (Cambridge 2013) 695-703.
J. Coleman, “The Chronology and Interconnections of the Cycladic Islands in the Neolithic Period and Early Bronze Age,” AJA 78(1974) 333-344.
C. Doumas, “EBA in the Cyclades: Continuity or Discontinuity?,” in E. B. French and K. A. Wardle (eds.), Problems in Greek Prehistory (Bristol 1988) 21-29.
O. Kouka, “Third Millennium BC Aegean Chronology: Old and New Data from the Perspective of the Third Millennium AD,” in S. W. Manning and M. J. Bruce (eds.), Tree-Rings, Kings, and Old World Archaeology and Environment: Papers Presented in Honor of Peter Ian Kuniholm (Oxford 2009) 133-148.
I. Liritzis, “Strofilas (Andros Island, Greece). New Evidence for the Cycladic Final Neolithic Period through Novel Dating Methods Using Luminescence and Obsidian Hydratio,” JAS 37(2010) 1367-1377.
J. A. MacGillivray, “The Relative Chronology of Early Cycladic III,” in J. A. MacGillivray and R. L. N. Barber (eds.), The Prehistoric Cyclades (Edinburgh 1984) 70-77.
S. Manning, The Absolute Chronology of the Aegean Early Bronze Age: The Evidence of Archaeology, Cultural Interrelations and Radiocarbon (Sheffield 1995).
S. W. Manning, “Some Initial Wobbly Steps towards a Late Neolithic to Early Bronze III Radiocarbon Chronology for the Cyclades,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 55-59.
S. W. Manning, “Comments on Climate, Intra-regional Variations, Chronology, the 2200 B.C. Horizon of Change in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and Socio-political Change on Crete,” in F. Höflmayer (ed.), The Late Third Millennium in the Ancient Near East: Chronology, C14, and Climate Change (Chicago 2017) 451-490.
H. Matthäus, “Ein Kykladenidol in Marburg: Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der kykladischen Frühbronzezeit,” AA (1980) 149-165.
O. Philaniotou, “Naxos, Tsikniades: an Early Cycladic Cemetery,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 195-207.
J. Rambach, Die relativchronologische Abfolge und die Verbreitung der Grabsittenkreise auf den Kykladen während der frühen Bronzezeit (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Heidelberg 1989).
J. Rambach, Kykladen II: Die frühe Bronzezeit: Frühbronzezeitliche Beigabensittenkreise auf den Kykladen, Relative Chronologie und Verbreitung (Bonn 2000).
C. Renfrew, “From Pelos to Syros: Kapros Grave D and the Kampos Group,” in J. A. MacGillivray and R. L. N. Barber (eds.), The Prehistoric Cyclades (Edinburgh 1984) 41-54.
C. Renfrew, M. Boyd, and C. Bronk Ramsey, “The Oldest Maritime Sanctuary? Dating the Sanctuary at Keros and the Cycladic Early Bronze Age,” Antiquity 86(2012) 144-160.
J. B. Rutter, “Some Observations on the Cyclades in the Later Third and Early Second Millennium B. C.,” AJA 87(1983) 69-76.
J. Rutter, “The Early Cycladic III Gap: What It Is and How To Go About Filling It Without Making It Go Away,” in J. A. MacGillivray and R. L. N. Barber (eds.), The Prehistoric Cyclades (Edinburgh 1984) 95-107.
J. B. Rutter, “’Minding the Gap’: From Filling Archaeological Gaps to Accounting for Cultural Breaks: A 2013 Perspective on a Continuing Story,” AJA 117(2013) 593-597.
P. Sotirakopoulou, “Early Cycladic Pottery from Akrotiri on Thera and its Chronological Implications,” BSA 81(1986) 297-312.
P. Sotirakopoulou, “The Chronology of the 'Kastri Group' Reconsidered,” BSA 88(1993) 5-20.
P. Sotirakopoulou, “The Dating of the Late Phylakopi I as Evidenced at Akrotiri on Thera,” BSA 91(1996) 113-136.
C. A. Televantou, “The Early Cycladic Cemetery at Rivari on Melos,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 209-215.
P. Zapheiropoulou, “The Chronology of the Kampos Group,” in J. A. MacGillivray and R. L. N. Barber (eds.), The Prehistoric Cyclades (Edinburgh 1984) 31-40.