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Lesson 4.7: Funerary Architecture and Burial Customs

Lesson 4 Bibliography: The Early Cycladic Period

C. Doumas, Early Bronze Age Burial Habits in the Cyclades [SIMA 48] (Göteborg 1977).

O. Philaniotou, “Naxos, Tsikniades: an Early Cycladic Cemetery,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 195-207.

J. Rambach, Die relativchronologische Abfolge und die Verbreitung der Grabsittenkreise auf den Kykladen während der frühen Bronzezeit (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Heidelberg 1989).

J. Rambach, Kykladen I: Die frühe Bronzezeit: Grab- und Siedlungsbefunde (Bonn 2000).

J. Rambach, Kykladen II: Die frühe Bronzezeit: Frühbronzezeitliche Beigabensittenkreise auf den Kykladen, Relative Chronologie und Verbreitung (Bonn 2000).

C. Renfrew, “The Duration of the Cycladic Cemeteries. The Case of Akrotiri on Siphnos,” Praktika B’ Diethnous Siphnaïkou Symposiou (2005) 43-60.

N. Ch. Stampolidis and P. Sotirakopoulou, “Early Cycladic Religion and Burial Habits,” in V. Sahoglou and P. Sotirakopoulou (eds.), Across the Cyclades and Western Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC (Istanbul 2011) 86-99.

P. Zapheiropoulou, “Early Bronze Age Cemeteries of the Kampos Group on Ano Kouphonisi,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 183-194.

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