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Lesson 4.8: Pottery

Lesson 4 Bibliography: The Early Cycladic Period

R. L. N. Barber, “Unpublished Pottery from Phylakopi,” BSA 103(2008) 43-222.

E-M. Bossert, “Die gestempelten Verzierungen auf frühbronzezeitlichen Gefässen der Ägäis,” JdI 75(1960) 1-16.

C. Broodbank, “Perspectives on an Early Bronze Age Island Centre: An Analysis of Pottery from Daskaleio/Kavos (Keros) in the Cyclades,” OJA 19(2000) 323-342.

M. Choleva, L’apparition et la diffusion du tour du potier dans le monde égéen (Ph.D. dissertation, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 2015).

J. E. Coleman, “'Frying Pans' of the Early Bronze Age Aegean,” AJA 89(1985) 191-219.

P.M. Day, C. G. Doumas, H. Erkanal, V. Kilikoglou, O. Kouka, M. Relaki and V. Sahoglu, “New Light on the ‘Kastri Group’: A Petrographic and Chemical Investigation of Ceramics from Liman Tepe and Bakla Tepe,” 24. Arkeometri Sonuçlari Toplantisi (Ankara 2009) 335-346.

P. M. Day and D. E. Wilson, “Dawn of the Amphora: The Emergence of Maritime Transport Containers in the Early Bronze Age Aegean,” in S. Demesticha and A. B. Knapp (eds.), Maritime Transport Containers in the Bronze-Iron Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean [SIMA-PB 183] (Uppsala 2016) 17-37.

C. De Gregorio, “Cycladic Sauceboats in the Deposit of the Camerette in Ayia Triada,” in K. Zebrowska, A. Ulanowska, and K. Lewartowski (eds.), Sympozjum Egejskie: Papers in Aegean Archaeology 2 (Warsaw 2019) 11-18.

C. Doumas, “Protokykladike Kerameike apo ta Christiana Theras,” ArchEph (1976) 1-11.

C. Doumas, “To protokykladiko teganischemo skeuos: Skepseis gia mia pithane chrese tou,” Epeteris Etaireias Kykladikon Meleton 14(1991-93) 299-318.

G. Graziadio, “I ‘duck askoi’ ciprioti,” Agoge 2(2005) 7-18.

J. Hilditch, “The Fabrics of the Ceramics at Dhaskalio,” in C. Renfrew, O. Philaniotou, N. Brodie, G. Gavalas, and M. J. Boyd (eds.), The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice: The Excavations of 2006-2008 I: The Settlement at Dhaskalio (Cambridge 2013) 465-482.

E. Karantzali, “The Transition from EB I to EB II in the Cyclades and Crete: Historical and Cultural Repercussions for Aegean Communities,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 241-260.

S. Kariotis, P. M. Day, and D. E. Wilson, “The Early Bronze Age Ceramic Sequence at Akrotiri, Thera,” in C. Doumas, A. Giannikouri, and O. Kouka (eds.), The Aegean Early Bronze Age: New Evidence (Athens, forthcoming).

M. Marthari, “Aspects of Pottery Circulation in the Cyclades during the Early EB II Period: Fine and Semi-fine Imported Ceramic Wares at Skarkos, Ios,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 71-84.

M. Marthari, “Aspects of Pictorialism and Symbolism in Early Bronze Age Cyclades: a ‘Frying Pan’ with Longboat Depiction from the New Excavations at Chalandriani in Syros,” in V. Vlachou and A. Gadolou (eds.), ΤΕΡΨΙΣ: Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology in Honour of Nota Kourou (Brussels 2017) 147-160.

A. N. Mastrapas, E anthropine kai e zoïke morphe sten proïstorike kerameike ton Kykladon (Athens 1991).

P. Misch, Die Askoi in der Bronzezeit. Eine typologische Studie zur Entwicklung askoider Gefässformen in der Bronze- und Eisenzeit Griechenlands und angrenzender Gebiete [SIMA-PB 100] (Jonsered 1992).

S. P. Morris, “Wine and Water in the Bronze Age: Fermenting, Mixing and Serving Vessels,” in L. A. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur, and J. Crowley (eds.), DAIS: The Aegean Feast [Aegaeum 29] (Liège/Austin 2008) 113-123.

J. C. Overbeck, The Bronze Age Pottery from the Kastro at Paros [SIMA-PB 78] (Jonsered 1989).

D. A. Papathanassoglou and Ch. A. Georgouli, “The ‘Frying Pans’ of the Early Bronze Age Aegean: An Experimental Approach to their Possible Use as Liquid Mirrors,” Archaeometry 50(2001) 1-14.

C. Picon, “A Group of Cycladic Vases in New York,” in N. Ch. Stampolides (ed.), GENETHLION: Anamnestikos tomos gia ten symplerose eikosi chronon leitourgias tou Mouseiou Kykladikes Technes (Athens 2006) 35-42.

J. Rambach, “Note on the Extent of Cultural Continuity on the Cyclades after the ‘Zeit der Wende’ (‘Time of Change’) in the Late Third Millennium BC: The Ceramic Perspective,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 291-298.

C. Renfrew and R. K. Evans, “The Early Bronze Age Pottery,” in C. Renfrew (ed.), Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos 1974-77 [BSA Supplementary Vol. 42] (London 2007) 129-180.

J. B. Rutter, “An Exercise in Form vs. Function: the Significance of the Duck Vase,” TUAS 10(1985) 16-41.

V. Sahoglu, “’Cycladic Frying Pans’ from Bakla Tepe,” in A. Erkanal-Öktü et al. (eds.), Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections (Istanbul 2006) 689-696.

A. Sampson and P. Fotiadi, “Early Cycladic II-III Finds from Rivari, Melos,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 217-223.

P. Sotirakopoulou, “The Dating of the Late Phylakopi I as Evidenced at Akrotiri on Thera,” BSA 91(1996) 113-136.

P. I. Sotirakopoulou, Akrotiri Theras: H Neolithike kai e Proïme Epoche tou Chalkou epi tei basei tes kerameikes [Bibliotheke tes en Athenais Etaireias 191] (Athens 1999).

P. Sotirakopoulou, “Early Cycladic Pottery from the Investigations of the 1960’s at Kavos-Daskaleio, Keros: A Preliminary Report,” in E. Alram-Stern, Die ägäische Frühzeit. Forschungsbericht 1975-2002. II, 2: Die Frühbronzezeit in Griechenland mit Ausnahme von Kreta (Vienna 2004) 1303-1358.

P. Sotirakopoulou, “Dhaskalio Kavos, Keros: The Pottery from the Investigations of the 1960s,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 115-120.

P. Sotirakopoulou, “Akrotiri, Thera: The Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Phases in the Light of Recent Excavations at the Site,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 121-134.

P. Sotirakopoulou, “The Cyclades, the East Aegean Islands and the Western Asia Minor: Their Relations in the Aegean Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 533-557.

P. Sotirakopoulou, The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice: The Excavations of 2006-2008 IV: The Pottery from Dhaskalio (Cambridge 2016).

N. Ch. Stampolidis and P. Sotirakopoulou, “Early Cycladic Pottery,” in V. Sahoglou and P. Sotirakopoulou (eds.), Across the Cyclades and Western Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC (Istanbul 2011) 42-50.

S. J. Vaughan, “Petrographic Analysis of the Early Cycladic Wares from Akrotiri, Thera,” TAW III.1 (1990) 470-487.

S. Vaughan and D. Wilson, “Interregional Contacts in the Aegean in Early Bronze II: The Talc Ware Connection,” in C. and P. Zerner and J. Winder (eds.), Wace and Blegen: Pottery as Evidence for Trade in the Aegean Bronze Age 1939-1989 (Amsterdam 1993) 169-186.

E. Yiannouli, “Surface Pottery from the Early Cycladic Acropolis at Vigla Katapolon on the Island of Amorgos: A Preliminary Report,” AAA 32-34[1999-2001] (2003) 37-54. 

P. Zapheiropoulou, “Ostraka ek Kerou,” AAA 8(1975) 79-85.

V. Zschietzschmann, "Kykladenpfannen," JdI 50(1935) 652-668.

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