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Lesson 4.6: Settlement and Fortification Architecture

Lesson 4 Bibliography: The Early Cycladic Period

A. Angelopoulou, “Early Cycladic Fortified Settlements: Aspects of Cultural Continuity and Change in the Cyclades during the Thrid Millennium BC,” Archaeological Reports for 2016-2017 (2017) 131-150.

I. Aslanis, “E prote emphanise ochyroseon se proïstorikous oikismous tou Aigaiakou chorou,” in L. G. Mendoni and A. J. Mazarakis Ainian (eds.), Kea - Kythnos. History and Archaeology (Athens 1998) 109-115.

I. Aslanis, “Frühe Fortifikationssysteme in Griechenland,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 35-44.

M. Aufschnaiter, “Frühägäische Kanalisationsanlagen: Eine Prestigesache?,” in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 41-52.

M. J. Boyd, “The Structure and Architecture of the Settlement,” in C. Renfrew, O. Philaniotou, N. Brodie, G. Gavalas, and M. J. Boyd (eds.), The Sanctuary on Keros and the Origins of Aegean Ritual Practice: The Excavations of 2006-2008 I: The Settlement at Dhaskalio (Cambridge 2013) 341-385.

C. Doumas, “Notes on Early Cycladic Architecture,” AA 87 (1972) 151-170.

C. Doumas, “Chambers of Mystery,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 165-175.

C. A. I. French and T. M. Whitelaw, “Soil Erosion, Agricultural Terracing and Site Formation Processes at Markiani, Amorgos, Greece: The Micromorphological Perspective,” in L. G. Mendoni and A. Mazarakis Ainian (eds.), Kea - Kythnos. History and Archaeology (Paris 1998) 151-189.

W. Gauss, “Considerations on Aegean Bronze Age Fortifications,” in S. Hansen and R. Krause (eds.), Bronze Age Fortresses in Europe (Bonn 2019) 53-80.

H. Georgiou, “The Role of Maritime Contacts in the Urban Development of the Prehistoric Cyclades,” in L. G. Mendoni and A. Mazarakis Ainian (eds.), Kea - Kythnos. History and Archaeology (Paris 1998) 211-216.

M. Ivanova, Befestigte Siedlungen auf dem Balkan, in der Ägäis und in Westanatolien, ca. 5,000 – 2,000 v. Chr. [Tübinger Schriften zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8] (Münster 2008).

G. Kalogeroudis, Befestigungsanlagen im griechischen Raum in der Bronzezeit und ihre Entwicklung von neolithischer bis in archaische Zeit [BAR-IS 1878] (Oxford 2008).

S. Katsarou-Tzeveleki and D. U. Schilardi, “Some Reflections on EC Domestic Space Arising from Observations at Koukounaries, Paros,” in N. Brodie, J. Doole, G. Gavalas, and C. Renfrew (eds.), ORIZON. A Colloquium on the Prehistory of the Cyclades (Cambridge 2008) 61-70.

 R. Krause, “Fortresses and Fortifications. On Fortified Hilltop Settlements of the Bronze Age,” in S. Hansen and R. Krause (eds.), Bronze Age Fortresses in Europe (Bonn 2019) 1-16.

D. Leiner, “Die frühbronzezeitliche Architektur in der Ägäis. Studien zu Siedlungsformen, Urbanistik und Bauwesen,” in F. Blakolmer, C. Reinholdt, J. Weilhartner, and G. Nightingale (eds.), Österreichische Forschungen zur Ägäischen Bronzezeit 2009 (Vienna 2011) 205-218.

M. Marthari, “Skarkos: enas protokykladikos oikismos sten Io,” Idryma N. P. Goulandri - Mouseio Kykladikes Technes: Dialexeis 1986-1989 (Athens 1990) 97-100.

M. Marthari, “Apo ton Skarko sten Poliochne: Paratereseis gia ten koinoniko-oikonomike anaptyxe ton oikismon tes Proïmes Epoches tou Chalkou stis Kyklades kai ta nesia tou voreioanatolikou Aigaiou,” in C. G. Doumas and V. La Rosa (eds.), E Poliochne kai e Proïme Epoche tou Chalkou sto Boreio Aigaio (Athens 1997) 362-382.

N. Ch. Stampolidis and P. Sotirakopoulou, “Early Cycladic Architecture,” in V. Sahoglou and P. Sotirakopoulou (eds.), Across the Cyclades and Western Anatolia during the 3rd Millennium BC (Istanbul 2011) 32-41.

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