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Lesson 5.3: Excavation and Surface Survey Reports

Lesson 5 Bibliography: The Early Minoan Period: The Settlements

M. Andreadaki-Vlasaki, “Proïstorikos oikismos sta Nopigeia Kissamou – apospasmatike anaskaphike erevna,” Kretike Estia 5(1996) 11-45.

V. Batten, “EM - MM Settlements in the Area of Keratokampos and Chondros, Southern Crete,” Aegean Archaeology 2 (1995) 7-28.

M. R. Belgiorno, P. Belli, E. Scafa, L.-M. Sportiello, and L. Vagnetti, “Spunti per lo studio della regione di Kissamos nell’Eta del Bronzo,” SMEA 25(1984) 65-89.

M. Benzi, “Il periodo prepalaziale a Festòs: una ricognizione preliminare,” in I Cento Anni dello Scavo di Festòs [Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Atti dei Convegni Lincei 173] (Rome 2001) 121-155.

P. P. Betancourt, “What Is Minoan? FN/EM I in the Gulf of Mirabello Region,” in P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W.-D. Niemeier (eds.), MELETEMATA: Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He Enters His 65th Year [Aegaeum 20] (Liège/Austin 1999) 33-39.

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P. P. Betancourt, The Chrysokamino Metallurgy Workshop and its Territory [Hesperia Supplement 36] (Princeton 2006).

P. P. Betancourt, Aphrodite’s Kephali: An Early Minoan I Defensive Site in Eastern Crete [Prehistory Monographs] (Philadelphia 2013).

D. J. Blackman and K. Branigan, “An Archaeological Survey on the South Coast of Crete, between Ayiofarango and Chrisostomos,” BSA 70(1975) 17-36.

D.J. Blackman and K. Branigan, “An Archaeological Survey of the Lower Catchment of the Ayiofarango Valley,” BSA 72(1977) 13-84.

H. A. Boyd Hawes, B. E. Williams, R. B. Seager, and E. H. Hall, Gournia, Vasilike, and Other Prehistoric Sites on the Isthmus of Hierapetra, Crete: Excavations of the Wells-Houston-Cramp Expeditions 1901, 1903, 1904 (Philadelphia 1908).

G. Cadogan, “Myrtos: From Phournou Koryphi to Pyrgos,” in K. T. Glowacki and N. Vogeikoff-Brogan (eds.), STEGA: The Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete [Hesperia Supplement 44] (Princeton 2011) 39-49.

G. Cadogan, “Early Minoan Knossos: A Few New Thoughts,” in M. Relaki and Y. Papadatos (eds.), From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Society [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 12] (Oxford 2018) 68-82.

A. J. Evans, The Palace of Minos I (London 1921).

J. D. Evans, “The Early Minoan Occupation of Knossos: A Note on Some New Evidence,” AS 22 (1972) 115-128.

A. Guest-Papamanoli and A. Lambraki, “Les grottes de Lera et de l’Arkoudia en Crète occidentale aux époques préhistoriques,” AD 31A(1976) 178-293.

D. C. Haggis, “The Early Minoan Burial Cave at Ayios Antonios and Some Problems in Early Bronze Age Chronology,” SMEA 31(1993) 7-34.

D. C. Haggis, “Excavations at Kalo Chorio, East Crete,” AJA 100(1996) 645-681.

D. C. Haggis, “Archaeological Survey at Kavousi, East Crete: Preliminary Report,” Hesperia 65(1996) 373-432.

D. C. Haggis, “Integration and Complexity in the Late Pre-Palatial Period. A View from the Countryside in Eastern Crete,” in Y. Hamilakis (ed.), Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking Minoan Archaeology (Oxford 2002) 120-142.

D. C. Haggis, Kavousi I: The Archaeological Survey of the Kavousi Region (Philadelphia 2005).

D. C. Haggis, “The Relevance of Survey Data as Evidence for Settlement Structure in Prepalatial Crete,” in M. Relaki and Y. Papadatos (eds.), From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Society [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 12] (Oxford 2018) 256-274.

B. J. Hayden, “Final Neolithic – Early Minoan I/IIA Settlement in the Vrokastro Area, Eastern Crete,” AJA 107(2003) 363-412.

B. J. Hayden, Reports on the Vrokastro Area, Eastern Crete 1: Catalogue of Pottery from the Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlement of Vrokastro in the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Archaeological Museum, Herakleion, Crete [University Museum Monograph 113] (Philadelphia 2003).

B. J. Hayden, Reports on the Vrokastro Area, Eastern Crete 2: The Settlement History of the Vrokastro Area and Related Studies [University Museum Monograph 119] (Philadelphia 2004).

B. J. Hayden, Reports on the Vrokastro Area, Eastern Crete 3: The Vrokastro Regional Survey Project, Sites and Pottery [University Museum Monograph 123] (Philadelphia 2005).

B. J. Hayden and M. Tsipopoulou, “The Priniatikos Pyrgos Project: Preliminary Report on the Rescue Excavation of 2005-2006,” Hesperia 81(2012) 507-584.

M. S. F. Hood and G. Cadogan, Early Minoan Excavations at Knossos 1957-61 [BSA Supplementary Volume 46] (London 2011).

M. S. F. Hood, “Stratigraphic Excavations at Knossos, 1957-61,” Kretika Chronika 15-16(1961-62) 92-98.

S. Jusseret and M. Sintubin, Minoan Earthquakes: Breaking the Myth through Interdisciplinarity (Leuven 2017).

P. Karanastasi, A. Tsigounaki, and Ch. Tsigonaki (eds.), Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 3[2013] (Rethymno 2015).

E. Karantzali, “Stoicheia protominoïkes katoikeses sta Nopegeia Kisamou,”AD 47-48A(1992-93) 65-82.

C. Laviosa, “L'abitato prepalaziale di Aghia Triadha,” Annuario (1972-73) 503-513.

D. Levi, Festòs e la civilta minoica (Rome 1976).

B. Molloy, J. Day, S. Bridgford, V. Isaakidou, E. Nodarou, G. Kotzamani, M. Milic, T. Carter, P. Westlake, V. Klontza-Jaklova, E. Larsson, and B. J. Hayden, “Life and Death of a Bronze Age House: Excavation of Early Minoan Levels at Priniatikos Pyrgos,” AJA 118(2014) 307-358.

B. Molloy, J. Day, and E. Nodarou, “Faltering Complexity: The Context and Character of Settlement at Priniatikos Pyrgos in Early Minoan III – Middle Minoan IA East Crete,” Hesperia 89(2020) 215-280.

B. P. C. Molloy and C. N. Duckworth (eds.), A Cretan Landscape through Time: Priniatikos Pyrgos and Environs [BAR-IS 2634] (Oxford 2014).

N. Momigliano, and D. E. Wilson, “Knossos 1993: Excavations Outside the South Front of the Palace,” BSA 91(1996) 1-57.

J. Moody, “Western Crete in the Bronze Age: A Survey of the Evidence,” in L. P. Day, M. S. Mook, and J. D. Muhly (eds.), Crete Beyond the Palaces: Proceedings of the Crete 2000 Conference (Philadelphia 2004) 247-264.

K. Nowicki, “Myrtos Fournou Korifi: Before and After,” in O. Krzsyzkowska (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren [BSA Studies 18] (London 2010) 223-237.

Y. Papadatos, “Back to the Beginnings: The Earliest Inhabitation at Petras on the Basis of the Evidence from the FM-EM I Settlement on Kephala,” in M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Siteia: 25 Years of Excavations and Studies [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 16] (Athens 2012) 69-79.

Y. Papadatos, “The Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Transition in Crete: New Evidence from the Settlement at Petras Kephala,” in V. Isaakidou and P. Tomkins (eds.), Escaping the Labyrinth: The Cretan Neolithic in Context [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 8] (Oxford 2008) 261-275.

Y. Papadatos and P. Tomkins, “Trading, the Longboat, and Cultural Interaction in the Aegean during the Late Fourth Millenniu B.C.E.: The View from Kephala Petras, East Crete,” AJA 117(2013) 353-381.

D. Pilarinou and A. Vasilakis, “Anaskaphe oikismou Telikes Neolithikes kai Proïmes Proanaktorikes sto Gazi,” in M. Andrianakis and I. Tzachili (eds.), Archaiologiko Ergo Kretes 1[2008] (Rethymno 2010) 276-284.

Scuola archeologica italiana di Atene, Creta Antica: Cento Anni di Archeologia Italiana (1884-1984) (Rome 1984).

R. B. Seager, “Excavations at Vasilike, 1904,” University of Pennsylvania. Transactions of the Department of Archaeology, Free Museum of Science and Art 1(1904) 207-220.

R. B. Seager, “Report of Excavations at Vasilike, Crete, in 1906,” University of Pennsylvania. Transactions of the Department of Archaeology, Free Museum of Science and Art 2 (1906-07) 111-132.

J. Soles, “The Early Gournia Town,” AJA 83(1979) 149-167.

C. Tenwolde, “Myrtos Revisited. The Role of Relative Functional Ceramic Typologies in Bronze Age Settlement Analysis,” OJA 11(1992) 1-24. 

S. Todaro, “Haghia Triada nel periodo Antico Minoico,” Creta Antica 4(2004) 69-95.

S. Todaro, “Craft Production and Social Practices at Prepalatial Phaistos: The Background to the First ‘Palace’,” in I. Schoep, P. Tomkins, and J. Driessen (eds.), Back to the Beginning: Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete during the Early and Middle Bronze Age (Oxford 2012) 195-235.

S. Todaro, “‘Riscavare lo scavato.’ Building Up the Stratigraphy of Prepalatial Phaistos with Legacy Data [CdA Monograph 1] (Rome 2019).

S. Todaro, Living with the Past: Settlement Mobility and Social Memory in Early Bronze Age Mesara,” in E. Borgna, I. Caloi, F. M. Carinci, and R. Laffineur (eds.), ΜΝΗΜΗ/MNEME: Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age [Aegaeum 43] (Liège 2019) 17-24.

M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Siteia: 25 Years of Excavations and Studies (Aarhus 2012).

A. Vasilakis, “O protominoïkos oikismos Trypitis,” Archaiologia 30(1989) 52-56.

A. Vasilakis, “Proïstorikes theseis ste Mone Odegetria - Kalous Limenes, Kretike Estia [4th series] 3(1989-90) 11-79.

A. Vasilakis, “Trypiti 1986-1991: Zetemata tou proanaktorikou minoïkou politismou ste notia kentrike Krete kai e anaskaphe tou oikismou Trypitis, in Pepragmena tou Z' Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Rethymno 1995) A1: 69-80.

A. Vasilakis and K. Sbonias, “Comparative Issues in Archaeological Field Survey in the Asterousia Region,” in M. Relaki and Y. Papadatos (eds.), From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Society [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 12] (Oxford 2018) 275-290.

L. Vokotopoulos, “Ochyres protominoïkes theseis sten perioche Zakrou,” in A. Karetsou (ed.), Pepragmena tou H’ Diethnous Kretologikou Synedriou (Heraklion 2000) A1: 129-146.

P. Warren, Myrtos (London 1972).

P. Warren and J. Tzedhakis, Debla, an Early Minoan Settlement in Western Crete,” BSA 69(1974) 299-342.

L. V. Watrous and D. Hadzi-Vallianou, “Initial Growth in Social Complexity (Late Neolithic – Early Minoan I),” in L. V. Watrous, D. Hadzi-Vallianou, and H. Blitzer, The Plain of Phaistos: Cycles of Social Complexity in the Mesara Region of Crete [Monumenta Archaeologica 23] (Los Angeles 2004) 221-231.

L. V. Watrous and D. Hadzi-Vallianou, “Emergence of a Ranked Society (Early Minoan II-III),” in L. V. Watrous, D. Hadzi-Vallianou, and H. Blitzer, The Plain of Phaistos: Cycles of Social Complexity in the Mesara Region of Crete [Monumenta Archaeologica 23] (Los Angeles 2004) 233-252.

T. M. Whitelaw, Community Structure and Social Organization at Fournou Korifi, Myrtos (M.A. thesis, University of Southampton 1979).

T. M. Whitelaw, “The Settlement at Fournou Korifi Myrtos and Aspects of Early Minoan Social Organization,” in O. Krzyszkowska and L. Nixon (eds.), Minoan Society (Bristol 1983) 323-345.

T. M. Whitelaw, “House, Households and Community at Early Minoan Fournou Korifi: Methods and Models for Interpretation,” in R. Westgate, N. Fisher, and J. Whitley (eds.), Building Communities: House, Settlement and Society in the Aegean and Beyond (London 2007) 65-76.

T. Whitelaw, “The Divergence of Civilisation: Fournou Korifi and Pyrgos,” in C. F. Macdonald, E. Hatzaki, and S. Andreou (eds.), The Great Islands. Studies of Crete and Cyprus Presented to  Gerald Cadogan (Athens 2015).

D. E. Wilson, The Early Minoan IIA West Court House at Knossos (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati 1984). 

D. E. Wilson, The Pottery and Architecture of the EM IIA West Court House at Knossos,” BSA 80(1985) 281-364.

D. E. Wilson, Knossos before the Palaces: An Overview of the Early Bronze Age (EM I - EM III),” in D. Evely, H. Hughes-Brock, and N. Momigliano (eds.), Knossos: A Labyrinth of History (Oxford 1994) 23-44.

A. Zoïs, Vasilike I (Athens 1976).

A. Zoïs, Anaskaphe Vasilikes Ierapetras,” PAE (1990) 315-341.

A. Zoïs, E Proïme Epoche tou Chalkou I-VII (Athens 1997).

Lesson Materials