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Lesson 6.11: Lithics, Bone, and Stone Artifacts

Lesson 6 Bibliography: The Early Minoan Period: The Tombs

A. Bevan, Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean (Cambridge 2007).

C. D’Annibale, “Obsidian in Transition. The Technological Reorganization of the Obsidian Industry from Petras Kephala (Siteia) between Final Neolithic IV and Early Minoan I,” in V. Isaakidou and P. Tomkins (eds.), Escaping the Labyrinth: The Cretan Neolithic in Context [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 8] (Oxford 2008) 191-200.

C. D’Annibale, “Obsidian Modes of Production and Consumption from a Diachronic Perspective as Seen from Petras and the Siteia Bay Environs,” in M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Siteia: 25 Years of Excavations and Studies [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 16] (Athens 2012) 105.

T. Carter, “Southern Aegean Fashion Victims: An Overlooked Aspect of Early Bronze Age Burial Practices,” in N. Ashton and A. David (eds.), Stories in Stone (London 1994) 127-144.

H. M. C. Dierckx, “Size Does Matter: The Significance of Obsidian Microliths and Querns at the Petras Cemetery,” in M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Petras, Siteia: 25 Years of Excavations and Studies [Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 16] (Athens 2012) 171-178.

P. Elefanti, N. Andreasen, P. N. Kardulias, and G. Marshall (eds.), Lithics Past and Present: Perspectives on Chipped Stone Studies in Greece [SIMA 144] (Uppsala 2016). 

D. Evely, “Small Finds of Stone from the Early IB Cemetery: Obsidian, Chert, and Stone Jewelry,” in C. E. Galanaki, Gournes, Pediada. A Minoan Cemetery in Crete [Prehistory Monographs 63] (Philadelphia 2021) 171-180.

V. Isaakidou, “Meaningful Materials? Bone Artefacts and Symbolism in the Early Bronze Age Aegean,” OJA 36(2017) 43-59.

L. Karimali, “Lithic and Metal Tools in the Bronze Age Aegean: A Parallel Relationship,” in I. Tzachili (ed.), Aegean Metallurgy in the Bronze Age (Athens 2008) 315-325.

Lesson Materials