Lesson 7 Bibliography: Western Anatolia and the Eastern Aegean in the Early Bronze Age
N. Benecke, “Die frübronzezeitlichen Pferde von Kirklareli-Kanligeçit, Thrakien, Türkei,” Eurasia Antiqua 8(2002) 39-59.
N. Benecke, “On the Beginnings of Horse Husbandry in the Souterhn Balkan Peninsula – the Horse Bones from Kirklareli-Kanligeçit (Turkish Thrace,” in M. Mashkour (ed.), Equids in Time and Space: Papers in Honor of Véra Eisenmann (Oxford 2006) 92-100.
P. Georgieva, "A Fortified Settlement from the Early Bronze Age in Thrace," in C. G. Doumas and V. La Rosa (eds.), E Poliochne kai e Proïme Epoche tou Chalkou sto Boreio Aigaio (Athens 1997) 311-328.
N. Karul, “Flechtwerkgebäude aus Osttrakien,” in H. Erkanal, H. Hauptmann, V. Sahoglou, and R. Tuncel (eds.), The Aegean in the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the Early Bronze Age (Ankara 2008) 263-274.
K. P. Leshtakov, “Troy and Upper Thrace: What Happened in the EBA 3? (Interrelations Based on Pottery Evidence),” in E. Pernicka, S. Ünlüsoy, and S. Blum (eds.), Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development and Interregional Contacts (Tübingen 2016) 239-256.
M. Özdogan, "Prehistoric Sites in the Gelibolu Peninsula," Anadolu Arastirmalari 10 (1986) 51-66.
M. Özdogan, "Eastern Thrace before the Beginning of Troy I: An Archaeological Dilemma," in J. Lichardus (ed.), Die Kupferzeit als historische Epoche [Saarbrückener Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 55] (Bonn 1991) I:217-225.
M. Özdogan, “In Quest of a Missing Era in Eastern Thrace – Dilemma of the 4th Millennium,” in B. Horejs and M. Mehofer (eds.), Western Anatolia before Troy: Proto-Urbanisation in the 4th Millennium BC? (Vienna 2014) 203-215.
M. Özdogan, “Kanligeçit – an Anatolian Model of an Urban Center in Eastern Thrace: An Overview,” in E. Pernicka, S. Ünlüsoy, and S. Blum (eds.), Early Bronze Age Troy: Chronology, Cultural Development and Interregional Contacts (Tübingen 2016) 197-208.
M. Özdogan, H. Parzinger, and N. Karul, "Kirklareli Kazilari (Asagipinar ve Kanligecit Höyükleri)," Arkeoloji ve Sanat 77(1997) 2-11.
M. Özdogan and H. Parzinger, Die frühbronzezeitliche Siedlung von Kanligeçit bei Kirklareli: Ostthrakien währen des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr im Spannungsfeld von anatolischer und balkanischer Kulturentwicklung [Archäologie in Eurasien 27; Studien in Thrakien-Marmara-Raum 3] (Berlin 2012).
H. Parzinger and M. Özdogan, "Die Ausgrabungen in Kirklareli und ihre Bedeutung für die Kulturbeziehungen zwischen Anatolien und dem Balkan vom Neolithikum bis zur Frühbronzezeit," BRGK 76(1996) 5-29.