Lesson 9 Bibliography: Middle Helladic Greece
S. Andreou, M. Fotiadis, and K. Kotsakis, “Review of Aegean Prehistory V: The Neolithic and Bronze Age of Northern Greece,” AJA 100(1996) 537-597.
S. Andreou, M. Fotiadis, and K. Kotsakis, “Review of Aegean Prehistory V: The Neolithic and Bronze Age of Northern Greece” and “Addendum: 1996-1999,” in T. Cullen (ed.), Aegean Prehistory: A Review (Boston 2001) 259-319 and 320-327.
J. Bintliff, “The Middle Bronze Age through the Surface Survey Record of the Greek Mainland: Demographic and Sociopolitical Insights,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 755-763.
J. Bouzek, The Aegean, Anatolia, and Europe: Cultural Interrelations in the Second Millennium B.C. (Göteborg 1985).
R. J. Buck, “The Middle Helladic Period,” Phoenix 20(1966) 193-209.
J. F. Cherry, “Middle Helladic Reflections,” in C. Wiersma and S. Voutsaki (eds.), Social Change in Aegean Prehistory (Oxford 2017) 168-184.
O. T. P. K. Dickinson, The Origins of Mycenaean Civilization [SIMA 49] (Göteborg 1977) 17-24, 32-38.
O. Dickinson, “The ‘Third World’ of the Aegean? Middle Helladic Greece Revisited,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 13-27.
W. Donlan and C. Thomas, “The Village Community of Ancient Greece: Neolithic, Bronze and Dark Ages,” SMEA 31(1993) 61-71.
J. Forsén, The Twilight of the Early Helladics: A Study of the Disturbances in East-Central and Southern Greece towards the End of the Early Bronze Age [SIMA-PB 116] (Jonsered 1992).
T. Georgousopoulou, “Simplicity vs. Complexity: Social Relationships and the MH I Community at Asine,” in J. C. Barrett and P. Halstead (eds.), The Emergence of Civilisation Revisited [Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology 6] (Oxford 2004) 207-213.
L. Girella, “Negotiating Power. Definizione e trasformazione del potere nella Grecia continentale dal Bronzo Medio alla formazione dei ‘regni’ micenei,” Archeologia Classica 68(2017) 343-373.
M. Hielte, “Sedentary versus Nomadic Lifestyles: The ‘Middle Helladic People’ in Southern Balkan (Late 3rd and First Half of the 2nd Millennium B.C.),” Acta Archaeologica 75(2004) 27-94.
J. T. Hooker, Mycenaean Greece (Boston 1976) 11-33.
R. J. Howell, “The Origins of the Middle Helladic Culture,” in R. A. Crossland and A. Birchall (eds.), Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean (Park Ridge 1974) 73-99.
K. E. Leith, Expressions of Gender in Mortuary Behaviour from Middle Helladic and Mycenaean Burial Samples in the Aegean (PhD dissertation, University College London 2013).
G. Nordquist, A Middle Helladic Village: Asine in the Argolid (Uppsala 1987).
G. Nordquist, “Asine - A Middle Helladic Society,” Hydra 3(1987) 15-25.
A. Philippa-Touchais, “Settlement Planning and Social Organization in Middle Helladic Greece,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 781-801.
A. Philippa-Touchais, “’Cycles of Collapse in Greek Prehistory’: Reassessing Social Change at the Beginning of the Middle Helladic and the Early Iron Age,” in A. Mazarakis Ainian (ed.), The ‘Dark Ages’ Revisited: Acts of an International Symposium in Memory of W. D E. Coulson (Volos 2011) 31-44.
D. J. Pullen, “Reciprocity and Exchange Relationships: Exploring the Dynamics of Bronze Age Social Structures through Feasting and Hospitality,” in C. Wiersma and S. Voutsaki (eds.), Social Change in Aegean Prehistory (Oxford 2017) 49-68.
J. B. Rutter, “Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland,” AJA 97(1993) 745-797, esp. 774-783.
J. B. Rutter, “Review of Aegean Prehistory II: The Prepalatial Bronze Age of the Southern and Central Greek Mainland” and “Addendum: 1993-1999,” in T. Cullen (ed.), Aegean Prehistory: A Review (Boston 2001) 95-147 and 148-155.
J. B. Rutter, “Reconceptualizing the Middle Helladic ‘Type Site’ from a Ceramic Perspective: Is ‘Bigger’ Really ‘Better’?,” in F. Felten, W. Gauss, and R. Smetana (eds.), Middle Helladic Pottery and Synchronisms [Ägina-Kolonna Forschungen und Ergebnisse I] (Vienna 2007) 35-44.
A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), Archaeology: Euboea and Central Greece: Attica, Boeotia, Phthiotis, Eurytania, Phokis, Aetolia, Akarnania (Athens 2009).
A. G. Vlachopoulos (ed.), Archaiologia: Peloponnesos (Athens 2011).
S. Voutsaki, “Social and Cultural Change in the Middle Helladic Period: Presentation of a New Project,” in A. Dakouri-Hild and S. Sherratt (eds.), AUTOCHTHON: Papers Presented to O. T. P. K. Dickinson on the Occasion of His Retirement [BAR-IS 1432] (Oxford 2005) 134-143.
S. Voutsaki, “From the Kinship Economy to the Palatial Economy: The Argolid in the Second Millennium BC,” in D. J. Pullen (ed.), Political Economies of the Aegean Bronze Age (Oxford 2010) 86-111.
S. Voutsaki, “From Reciprocity to Centricity: The Middle Bronze Age in the Greek Mainland,” JMA 29 (2016) 70-78.
S. Voutsaki and E. Milka, “Social Change in Middle Helladic Lerna,” in C. Wiersma and S. Voutsaki (eds.), Social Change in Aegean Prehistory (Oxford 2017) 98-123.
M. Wiener, “Helladic Greece from the Middle Bronze Age to c. 1350 BCE,” in S. W. E. Blum, T. Efe, T. I. Kienlin, and E. Pernicka (eds.), From Past to Present. Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann (Bonn 2020) 279-332.
J. C. Wright, “Towards a Social Archaeology of Middle Helladic Greece,” in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 803-815.
M. Zavadil, “The Peloponnese in the Middle Bronze Age: An Overview,” A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki, and J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA: The Greek Mainland in the Middle Bronze Age [BCH Supplement 52] (Paris 2010) 151-163.