Environmental Studies 1
People and Nature in America
Winter 1998, 101 Fairchild
MWF 10:00-11:05, Th 12-12:50
Andy Friedland
211 Steele Hall;646-3609
Office Hours:MW 11:15-12:00,Th 1-2 & by appointment
Terry Osborne
307 Steele; 646-1689
Office Hours: MTu 2:30-4:00 & by appointment
This course will discuss the interactions between humans and nature in North America (primarily the USA) from literary, scientific and historical perspectives. When one asks the question: "What is nature?" or "Why does someone care about a particular place?" it can be answered from many different perspectives. These perspectives have changed radically during our history. This course will consider both the literary and scientific aspects of these questions and consider possible responses as we read the following material:
Genesis 1-3; "Four Worlds: The Dine Story of Creation"
John McPhee, Encounters with the Archdruid (1971)
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, Journals (1804-1806)
Toni Morrison, Beloved (1987)
Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony (1977)
Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (1974) Chaps 1-4, 6, 8, 10, 11
Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire (1968)
Terry Tempest Williams, Refuge (1991)
Anne Matthews, Where The Buffalo Roam (1992)
Occasional short readings (articles and poems) throughout the term
Electronic Discussion Group:
Voluntary contributions throughout the term encouraged
Two-page Environment and Place Brief approximately 15% of grade
Two-page Environment and People Brief approximately 20% of grade
Five-page persuasive essay approximately 30 % of grade
Ten-page final paper approximately 35% of grade
Papers are due at 3 PM outside the ENVS office (306 Steele) on their respective due dates
If you have a learning or other disability, please let us know at the beginning of the course so we can make appropriate accommodations.
Be sure to think about the Dartmouth Honor Principle as it relates to this class, particularly with respect to referencing your sources.
Readings and Assignments
Jan.5 M Introduction to the Course Genesis I-III
Jan.8 Th (X-HOUR): Electronic Discussion Group Explanation
Native American & "American" Creation Myths
Jan.12 M Encounters with the Archdruid Part I
Jan.14 W Encounters with the Archdruid Part II
Jan.15 Th (X-HOUR): Writing an Environment and Place Brief
Jan.16 F Encounters with the Archdruid Part III
Jan.19 M No Class (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Jan.21 W Journals of Lewis & Clark through p. 113
Jan.22 Th (X-HOUR): Journals of Lewis & Clark through p. 210
Jan.23 F Journals of Lewis & Clark through p. 295 Environment & Place Brief Due
Jan.26 M Beloved through p. 134 GUEST LECTURER: WILLIAM COOK
Jan.28 W Beloved through end
Jan.29 Th (X-HOUR): Writing a persuasive essay
Jan.30 F Beloved
Feb.2 M Ceremony through p. 113
Feb.4 W Ceremony through end
Feb.6 F CeremonyPersuasive Essay Due (& copy of previous paper)
Feb.9 M Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Chapters 1-4
Feb.11 W Pilgrim at Tinker Creek Chapters 6, 8, 10, 11
Feb.12 Th (X-HOUR): Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
Feb.13 F No Class (Winter Carnival)
Feb.16 M Desert Solitaire through "Cowboys Part II," Writing an Environment & People Brief
Feb.18 W Desert Solitaire through "Dead Man"
Feb.19 Th (X-HOUR): Desert Solitaire through end GUEST LECTURER: NOEL PERRIN
Feb.20 F Desert Solitaire Environment & People Brief Due (& copy of previous papers)
Feb.23 M Refuge through p. 166
Feb.25 W Refuge through end
Feb.26 Th (X-HOUR): Writing a final essay
Feb.27 F Refuge
Mar.2 M Where the Buffalo Roam through p. 140
Mar.4 W Where the Buffalo Roam through end
Mar.5 Th (X-HOUR): Lunch Discussion in Collis
Mar.6 F Where the Buffalo Roam
Mar.9 M Final Thoughts Final Paper Due (& copy of previous papers)