Sam Williamson has started a new list on The Economic Issues of Social Security.
This list is designed to provide a forum for discussion of the economic issues of Social Security. We hope that subscribers will find it a useful place to read carefully reasoned comments on the issues void of political agendas.
Right now there are hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines and at least that many blogs, all debating the merits of changes in Social Security. The level of discussion varies extensively. There are conference proceedings and lengthy papers written by leaders in the field available that discuss the issues in depth.
What is missing on the Internet is a place where economists can have a dialog similar to the discussion that takes place in a seminar, where both sides of a point can be found, where "threads" on an issue are developed that are available to be read later in the list archive. It is hoped that SocSec list can be this place.
Postings will be carefully screened to maintain consistency and to not allow inappropriate comments to be made. I will rely on the editorial board to arbitrate any problems.
Samuel H. Williamson
Editor of SocSecEditorial Board
- Jeffrey Brown, University of Illinois and Nominee for Member of the Social Security Advisory Board
- David Macpherson, Director of the Pepper Institute on Aging & Public Policy, Florida State University
- Olivia S. Mitchell, Executive Director of the Pension Research Council and Director of the Boettner Center for Pensions & Retirement Security, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- Alicia Munnell, Director, Center for Retirement Research, Boston College
- Peter Orszag, Joseph A. Pechman Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
- Andrew Samwick, Director, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth College
Let's hope that this new forum can help clarify the issues and improve the quality of Social Security policy discussions.