I had the same reaction to last night's Republican debate as Governor Romney in the picture below.
I have over the last few months noted my displeasure with Governor Romney's negative campaign tactics and appreciation for Senator McCain's willingness to show up and be straightforward in his rhetoric. Last night's debate was a step in the opposite direction.
It is utterly incomprehensible that McCain would continue to push this "timetable as buzzword" mischaracterization of Romney's remarks on resolving the war in Iraq. I actually started to feel sympathy for Romney, despite the fact that he's been doing similar things to McCain for months. I would have thought that the lesson McCain would have drawn from this, given that he and not Romney has the momentum, is that it is a tactic that doesn't work.
If Romney actually ran honestly on the detailed record of things he did in office and in the business sector, rather than on cheap slogans about them, he would have had a much better chance to have gotten my vote in the New Hampshire primary. As a Republican governor facing a Democratic legislature, he managed to hold the line on conservative issues and work with the legislature to pass reforms on things like health care that his citizens wanted. That's a similar environment to what he would face and a reasonable outcome to expect if he were elected President in 2008.