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Great Strides for Cystic Fibrosis

In what is now an annual event in the Samwick household, the four of us make a trip to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to participate in the Great Strides walk for Cystic Fibrosis. CF is a devastating genetic disease that affects tens of thousands of children and young adults in the United States. Research and care supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation are making a huge difference in extending the quality of life for those with CF. Those of you who conduct or follow the health outcomes literature, or who are curious about how to improve medical treatment in this country, will find this article in The New Yorker from 2004 to be of interest as well.

We walk for the Woodhouse family, dear friends whose daughter Allison has battled this disease every day since birth (and even before). We've learned a lot about courage from her story. If you would like to support us in our efforts to raise money to help children and families like them, then please make a pledge here.

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