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I feel sorry for Barbara Walters, whose remark about feeling uncomfortable at the sight of a woman breastfeeding on an airplane next to her set off the lastest wave of "lactivism." I guess I'm a lactivist, too. I think that mothers should not just be permitted but encouraged to breastfeed their infants and toddlers whenever and wherever the mothers deem it appropriate. It's not like a 6 month old can chew gum if the change in cabin pressure starts to bother him.

Ms. Walters only claims that she felt uncomfortable--there are some reports in the article linked above of people taking offense. If the sight of a mother breastfeeding a child in public offends your sensibilities, then I don't think there is much sense in your sensibilities. I'm glad to see that nursing moms are having "nurse-ins" near ABC and are lobbying other companies for more tolerant behavior. My favorite is Nurse-at-Starbucks (although I hope those lattes are decaf), and we've been contributors to La Leche League since we became parents.

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