“Means-Testing Federal Health Entitlement Benefits,” in Robert A. Moffitt (ed.) Tax Policy and the Economy 32 (2018). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 173-210. [NBER Working Paper 23990]
“The Welfare Cost of Perceived Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from Social Security,” American Economic Review 108 (February 2018), 275-307 (with Erzo Luttmer). [NBER Working Paper 21818] [Cato Institute Research Brief in Economics]
“Changing Progressivity as a Means of Risk Protection in Investment-Based Social Security Reform,” in Jeffrey R. Brown, Jeffrey Liebman, and David A. Wise (eds.) Social Security Policy in a Changing Environment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009, 299-327. [NBER Working Paper 13059]
“The Effects of Social Security Reform on Private Pensions,” in William G. Gale, John B. Shoven, and Mark J. Warshawsky (eds.) Private Pensions and Public Policies. Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2004, 189-213. [SIEPR Working Paper 00-17]
“Social Security Reform: The United States in 2002.” in Einar Overbye and Peter A. Kemp (eds.) Pensions: Challenges and Reform. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2004, 53-69. [Manuscript]
“Potential Paths of Social Security Reform,” in James M. Poterba (ed.) Tax Policy and the Economy 16 (2002). Cambridge: MIT Press, 181-224 (with Martin Feldstein). [NBER Working Paper 8592]
“The Transition to Investment-based Social Security when Portfolio Returns and Capital Profitability Are Uncertain,” in John Y. Campbell and Martin S. Feldstein (eds.) Risk Aspects of Investment Based Social Security Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, 41-87 (with Martin Feldstein and Elena Ranguelova). [NBER Working Paper 7016]
“Is Pension Reform Conducive to Higher Saving?” Review of Economics and Statistics, 82 (May 2000), 264-272.
“Allocating Payroll Tax Revenue to Personal Retirement Accounts.” Tax Notes (June 19, 2000), 1645-1652 (with Martin Feldstein). [NBER Working Paper 7767]
“Social Security Reform in the United States,” National Tax Journal, 52 (December 1999), 819 – 842.
“The Transition Path in Privatizing Social Security,” in Martin Feldstein (ed.) Privatizing Social Security. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, 215-260 (with Martin Feldstein). [NBER Working Paper 5761]
“Discount Rate Heterogeneity and Social Security Reform.” Journal of Development Economics 57 (October 1998), 117-146. [NBER Working Paper 6219]
“Potential Effects of Two Percent Personal Retirement Accounts.” Tax Notes (May 4, 1998), 615-620. (with Martin Feldstein) [Updated as NBER Working Paper 6540]
"The Impact of Social Security Reform on Saving," National Tax Association Proceedings - 1997, 178-186.
“The Economics of Prefunding Social Security and Medicare Benefits,” in B. Bernanke and J. Rotemberg (eds.) NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1997. Cambridge: MIT Press, 115-148. (with Martin Feldstein) [NBER Working Paper 6055]
“Welfare Across the Generations,” Contemporary Economic Policy 14 (January 1996), 1-21. (with Harold Demsetz et. al.)
“Social Security Rules and Marginal Tax Rates,” National Tax Journal 45 (March 1992), 1-22. (with Martin Feldstein) [NBER Working Paper 3962]