Students on the Bio FSP take three courses (Bio 55, 56, 57). The three courses are taken as a package during winter term of each year. The schedule is intensive and includes extensive fieldwork, laboratories, lectures, discussions, and research projects. Accommodations are at assorted field stations in Costa Rica (6 weeks) and at a marine laboratory on Little Cayman Island (3 weeks).
The course size is 15 students. Most students participate in their junior year, but there are also seniors in most years. Students in all majors are eligible to participate if they have the prerequisites. There are usually more applicants than slots. Selection of students is based on their motivation for in-depth learning in ecology, as demonstrated in their lab/field courses and research experience as well as academic performance. Applicants are interviewed by the faculty teaching in the program. The prerequisites for participating in the program are BIOL 16 (Ecology) and one additional course in ecology or evolutionary biology. Interviews are conducted in the winter term, one year in advance of participating (winter term of sophomore year for most participants). Most students get additional course work and experience during the ensuing spring, summer, and fall terms. Prospective students are encouraged to take BIOL 16 in their 1st year. Applicants who have not yet taken Bio 16 prior to interviews are usually not competitive for acceptance. More information here.
Schedule: Winter term of each year. Applications due in January of the previous year. Interviews are conducted during the winter term. Interviews can be done remotely.
Book with student research projects from 2023 (will download as 16 Mb pdf)
Book with student research projects from 2022 (will download as 16 Mb pdf)
Book with student research projects from 2020 (will download as16 Mb pdf)