
The COBRE Institute for Biomolecular Targeting (bioMT) brings researchers at Dartmouth and across the region together at the key interface between discovery and translation. bioMT accelerates the research productivity and scientific impact of junior faculty leading interdisciplinary research projects in the areas of cancer, infection, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering across the spectrum of target discovery, validation, and inhibition by:

  • Enhancing the research competitiveness of junior faculty biomolecular targeting projects.
  • Providing mentoring by experienced and committed senior faculty.
  • Providing a robust resource infrastructure and training in best research practices.
  • Creating a vibrant scientific community, through seminars and symposia, pilot award funding, and start-up support for new faculty.

Core facilities, which include the molecular tools core and the molecular interactions and imaging core, provide access to expert staff, state-of-the-art equipment, and techniques for production and characterization of high quality recombinant proteins and microscopy for biochemical and cellular studies.

Visit Our Successes for a highlighted list of our achievements.