bioMT Seminar Series 2024-2025

bioMT Seminar Series


Seminars are held every other Tuesday from 9:00-10:00AM unless otherwise note

October 1  No seminarLife Science Symposium
October 159:00 AMRemsen 512Miriam Lee
(Higgs Lab)
Study of the regulatory mechanism of formin INF2 by its N terminal region
October 29  No seminarBCB Retreat
November 129:00 AMRemsen 512Soni LacefieldEscape from meiosis: understanding the etiology of ovarian germ cell tumors
November 26  No seminarThanksgiving
December 109:00 AMRemsen 512Maria Pellegrini (Mierke lab)Finding NEMO: casting the net to inhibit a slippery target
December 24  No SeminarWinter Break
January 79:00 AMRemsen 512  
January 219:00 AMRemsen 512Jiwon LeeMolecular Deconvolution of Antibody Repertoires Transferred from Mother to Neonate”
February 49:00 AMRemsen 512Chris Shoemaker“BNIP3: Connecting Lipid Peroxidation and Mitochondrial Quality Control”
February 18  No SeminarSchool Vacation
March 49:00 AMRemsen 512Prerna Malaney“Understanding the role of RNA-binding protein mutations in cancer”
March 189:00 AMRemsen 512Alicia Pietramale
(Hill Lab)
April 19:00 AMRemsen 512Kull Lab TBD 
April 15  No SeminarSchool Vacation
April 29  No SeminarCF Retreat
May 139:00 AMRemsen 512Katie Beauchemin
(Supattapone Lab)