Unsure about what paths are available to you after you finish your PhD? ‘What Can You Be With a PhD,’ the largest PhD career symposium in the country, is happening virtually this year on November 20-21. The symposium has over 40 different career path sessions and professional development workshops with over 100 speakers. The workshop is hosted biennially by NYU school of medicine with support from 15 other universities and research institutions. The symposium is a unique opportunity for graduate students to learn about the breadth of career paths for doctorates. More info at: whatcanyoubewithaphd.com.
The Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) has agreed to support the registration cost of $50 for a select few PhD students working on cancer research. Please complete this form if you’re interested in being considered! If you’re not a cancer researcher or you don’t get selected for the NCCC grant, the @dartmouthgsc has a student professional development support fund that we encourage you to apply for here if you need financial assistance: https://sites.dartmouth.edu/gsc/student-support-fund.
Stay tuned for future opportunities like this one!