30 inch snook on Sanibel


With Alex Bryson and David N.F. Bell, “The Declining Mental Health of the Young in the UK,” NBER Working Paper #32879, August 2024.

With Alex Bryson, “Union ‘effects’ on hourly and weekly wages: A half-century perspective” CEPR.ORG, June 2024

Is the Gallup World Poll Reliable?, After Babel, June 2024

With Alex Bryson – on Jon Haidt’s After Babel blog: “The Global Loss of the U-Shaped Curve of Happiness

With Alex Bryson, Anthony Lepinteur and Alan Piper, ‘Further evidence on the global decline in the mental health of the young,’ NBER Working Paper #32500

With Alex Bryson ‘Unions, wages and hours‘, NBER Working Paper #32471

With Alex Bryson and Xiaowei Xu ‘The declining mental health of the young and the global disappearance of the hump shape in age in unhappiness‘, NBER Working Paper w32337 April 2024.

50 Published Works Since 2020 (40 in Refereed Journals)

This list shows the 50 works I’ve published since 2020.

Publications in 2024

With Alex Bryson , ‘Were COVID and the Great Recession Well-being Reducing?’ forthcoming Plos One (Supplementary Appendix)

With Alex Bryson, “The adult consequences on wellbeing of abuse and neglect in childhood,” International Journal of Wellbeing, forthcoming

With Alex Bryson ‘The Gender Well-being Gap,’ Social Indicators Research, forthcoming.  Was NBER Working Paper #31212. (This NYTimes piece references this paper and quotes my student Cailey.)

With Alex Bryson and Jackson Spurling ‘The wage curve after the Great Recession,’ Economica, February 2024

With Alex Bryson ‘The Adult Consequences of Being Bullied in Childhood,’ Social Science and Medicine, March 2024.

With Alex Bryson ‘The female happiness paradox,’ Journal of Population Economics, February 2024.

With Elan Klüger ’26 “Erich Honecker,” forthcoming in The Dictators, edited by Iain Dale, Allen and Unwin.

With Alex Bryson ‘Wellbeing, expectations and unemployment in Europe‘, NBER Working Paper #32006, December 2023, forthcoming in The Oxford Handbook of Income Distribution and Economic Growth, edited by Gordon Anderson and Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay. 

 With Alex Bryson ‘The Consequences Of Abuse, Neglect and Cyber-bullying on the Wellbeing of the Young,’ Working Paper 32119

Papers in Journals 2023

With Alex Bryson ‘Long Covid in the United States,’ Plos One, November 2, 2023

With Alex Bryson ‘Wellbeing rankings,’ Social Indicators Research, November 7, 2023

With Andy Levin, ‘Diverse views in monetary policy‘, Finance and Development, IMF, March 2023.

A Response To ‘Another Attempt To Move Beyond The Cross-Sectional U Shape Of Happiness: A Reply’ By Galambos, Krahn, Johnson And Lachman (2021)’, International Journal of Psychiatry

With Alex Bryson ‘Seasonality and the Female Happiness Paradox‘, Quality and Quantity

With Carol Graham and Alan Piper, ‘Happiness and Age – Resolving the Debate‘, National Institute Economic Review 2023, (Supplemental Material)

With Alex Bryson, ‘Recession and deflation‘, The Review of Keynesian Economics, October 25, 2022

Papers in Journals 2022

With Alex Bryson, “Recessions hurt: does the data show that the world’s major economies are in recessions now?The International Banker, November 21, 2022. 

With Alex Bryson ‘Chronic pain: Evidence from the national child development study,’ PLoS ONE, November 2, 2022

With Ben Artz and Alex Bryson, ‘Unions increase job satisfaction in the United States,’ Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, September 8, 2022.

With Alex Bryson, Union membership and job satisfaction over the life course, Industrial Relations, September 3, 2022

With Alan Piper and Alex Bryson, ‘Is pain associated with subsequent job loss? A panel study for Germany,’ Kyklos, August 25, 2022

With Alex Bryson, ‘Taking the Pulse of Nations: A Biometric Measure of Well-being,’Economics and Human Biology, August 2022

With Alex Bryson, ‘The economics of walking about and predicting unemployment in the USA‘, National Institute Economic Review, August 19, 2022

With Alex Bryson, ‘Covid and Mental Health in America‘, PLOS One, July 22, 2022

With Alex Bryson and Colin Green, Trade Unions and the well-being of workers, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(2), pp255-277, June 2022

With Donna Feir, ‘Native Americans’ experience of chronic distress in the USA,’ Journal of Population Economics, May 20, 2022

With Alan Piper, ‘There is a midlife low in well-being in Germany,’ Economics Letters, May 2022

With Alex Bryson, Further decoding the mystery of American pain: The importance of work, PLOS ONE, January 13, 2022

With Alex Bryson, ‘The Sahm rule and predicting the great recession across OECD countries‘, National Institute Economic Review (2022), 1–51, doi:10.1017/nie.2021.47

Papers in Journals 2021

Is Happiness U-shaped Everywhere? Age and Subjective Well-being in 145 Countries, Journal of Population Economics, 2021 volume 34, pp. 575-624

With David Bell, ‘Underemployment in Europe and the United States‘, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 74(1), January 2021, pp. 56-94

With Alex Bryson ‘Unemployment and Sleep: Evidence from the United States and Europe‘, Economics and Human Biology, first online July 7th 2021.

With Alex Bryson ‘Union membership peaks in midlife’ British Journal of Industrial Relations. 2021;1–28.

D. Gondek, R. E. Lacey, D. Blanchflower & P. Patalay, “How is the distribution of psychological distress changing over time? Who is driving these changes? Analysis of the 1958 and 1970 British birth cohorts,” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, November 22nd 2021

With Carol Graham, ‘The Mid-Life Dip in Well-Being: A Critique,’ Social Indicators Research, first online October 20th 2021

With Carol Graham, ‘The U-shape of Happiness: A Response’, Perspectives on Psychological Science, July 26th 2020

With Andrew Clark, Children, Unhappiness and family Finances, Journal of Population Economics volume 34, pp 625-653, 2021

With David Bell ‘The U-shape of happiness in Scotland‘, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, May 17th 2021 and NBER WP #28144

6.2lb large mouth from Lake Fairlie on last cast of the day

30″ Snook, March 2024

6.1lb largemouth bass on Lake Fairlee, VT, August 5 2023