My new blog….The economics of walking about….

Here is my column in the Herald last week

Since then US CPI fell sharply from 5.0% to 4.0% with a 0.9% dropping out and will likely fall to 3% next month with a giant 1.2% dropping out.

Today the BLS noted that the producer price index fell 0.3% on the month and the index for final demand
moved up 1.1 percent for the 12 months ended in May.

And the MPC is set to raise rates this wee? Utterly bonkers….!


There is a growing evidence of global slowing.  Container freight rates are back to pre-pandemic levels.  Oil prices globally continue to fall.  Brent Crude is $75.88 versus $122 a year ago and $86.88 in April. The Baltic Dry Index which collapsed in 2008, and which measures the price of shipping dry goods like wheat around the world in huge Capesize vessels – because they are too big to go through the Suez or Panama canals – BDIY is now 1123, down from 5528 on 10/8/2021.

The US economy is clearly slowing.  On Friday we saw the unemployment rate rise by 0.3 percentage points from 3.4% to 3.7% and a big decline in employment on one of the two employment measures.  My work with Alex Bryson* suggests a monthly rise of this magnitude is the best indicator of the start of a US recession, as called by the NBER Business Cycle Dating Group.  Consistent with this slowing.  US credit card delinquency rates are back to 2008 levels. Office vacancy rates are rising: in New York it is 48%.  Restaurant demand is slowing. Cellphone activity is down in the majority of major cities – downtown San Francisco it is 31% of pre-pandemic levels while in Chicago it is 50%.  It may surprise people to know that markets are pricing in eight rate cuts by Federal by December 2024 from the current 500-525bp to 300-325bp with cuts starting in 2024.

Inflation in the US has also been declining fast and may go negative by 2024 as it did in 2009. There are two patterns in the data: declining goods inflation and rising services inflation.  During the pandemic people bought goods and now that spending spree has stopped.  Plus, consumer durable demand is down as most people use financing and interest rate costs are up.  Auto loan interest rates are now 7.5% versus 4.5% a year ago and auto loan delinquencies are a problem.  Alongside this there is rising services inflation as people are doing what they couldn’t do in the pandemic, going on cruises and to theaters.  The number of people going to Broadway shows and theaters is now back to 2019 levels.

Inflation in the US is currently 5% and I expect it to drop below 4% over the next two months as large base effect increases from 12 months ago of 0.9% in June and 1.2% in July – drop out of the calculations.  If we use the average monthly change observed, over the last six months of 0.3% a month I expect inflation to be 4.4% in June and 3.5% in July.

Other European countries this week also saw surprisingly large drops in inflation. Spanish inflation dropped to 3.2% its lowest level for 2 years.  The drop in German annual inflation from 7.6 per cent in April to 6.3 per cent in May reflected a sharp slowdown in energy prices as well as lower inflation for food, other goods and services. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast a figure of 6.8 per cent. French inflation fell to 6 per cent in May, down from 6.9 per cent.

CPI inflation in in the UK in contrast is a disappointing 8.7% after eight of the last ten months in double digits.  Despite 12 successive rate increases and asset sales by the MPC which appear to know not what they do.  Sadly, these rate rises have hardly any impact at all on inflation which was caused by supply chain issues after the pandemic, the Ukraine war and Brexit. Brexit and its devastating impact on supply chains, especially for food, is what sets the UK apart from every other country.  This can’t be fixed by rate rises.

Unsurprisingly, in their own survey, confidence in the Bank of England is at record lows.  Then Chancellor Hunt said it would be just fine to create a recession?  Really?  I don’t think so.  We know that inflation hurts but purging it comes at a cost which turns out to be worse.  Slowing the economy means a rise in joblessness.  Recent work** has looked at wellbeing and found that a one percentage point rise in the unemployment rate has a six times higher impact than inflation on life satisfaction, is four times higher for smiling; enjoyment five times, nine times for sadness and thirteen times for pain.  Thirteen!

But two dissenting members of the MPC Swati Dhingra and Silvana Tenreyro, who care about ordinary people know what is going on.  At the last meeting they voted against a rate rise arguing that they expected inflation to plummet soon plus all the rate rises hadn’t actually had time to work yet.  This is what they sensibly said (the rest are in Gagaland)!

  the lags in the effects of monetary policy meant that sizeable impacts from past rate increases were still to come through. That implied the current setting of Bank Rate would be likely to reduce inflation to well below target in the medium term. As the policy setting had become increasingly restrictive, this would bring forward the point at which recent rate increases would need to be reversed.”  Exactly. 

Larry Summers in a BBC Radio 4 interview this week got it spot on. Brexit, he noted, is an “historic economic error” that damaged the UK economy and drove up inflation.  The problem for the MPC is that twelve rate rises have lowered the CPI by around a percentage point – rate rises can’t compensate for inability to import cheap food and materials.  The treatment isn’t working but it seems more of the same is planned, why?.  To get CPI to the 2% target or so, following the MPC’s logic could well require rates to go beyond 25% with the same (pathetic) success rate.  UK borrowing costs are back to where they were under Truss as the markets haveonce again lost confidence in UK PLC.  The moron premium is back. Where is that lettuce?

14 responses to “My new blog….The economics of walking about….”

  1. […] with some encouragement, Danny is starting a blog. The first is here. It seems likely that I will have the job of promoting it, which I will be here and on […]

  2. Ian Erskine

    Great to see you back Danny.

  3. Patrick Wiggins

    Hi Danny good to see you back on social media! Is there a way to subscribe to the blog? I may have missed it as I am reading on my phone, it would be good to know when you post through an alert

  4. Ben

    Thanks. I will add this to my list to check daily.

  5. Alan Chandler

    So pleased you are back. A voice of common sense that BOE sorely needs. We are heading in the wrong direction in UK. We have an interest rate/price spiral not a wage/price spiral. Putting rates up further is only going to make things worse.

  6. Martin Hime

    Many thanks for your blog. How do you subscribe please

  7. Bill Kerr-Smith

    It’s a real joy to see you blogging on these topics – and making so much sense. I can see this will become one of my “essential reads” if you carry on (and if I can subscribe).

  8. Danny Blanchflower

    Thanks everyone I am in learning mode! But thanks for the comments and will sort how to subscribe etc

  9. David Clements

    Great to have you back,thanks for the information,Richard Murphy.

  10. Ray whyms

    I just hope Sir Keir and others in shadow cabinet read it!!

  11. James E Frazer

    Good to have you back in online action Sir. Can you help explain why Brexit contributes to the latest inflation figure in the UK? As I understand it set-up costs and barriers implemented over 12 months ago would drop out of the data, with the hit to the total compensation in the economy when the barriers came in being permanent but no longer an increasing burden, so what new costs or restrictions on supply have there been in the last 12 as a result of not being an EU member?

  12. David

    We need a new blog David after todays bone headed 0.5% increase in interest rates …

  13. Alan Chandler

    Danny, What do you think about BOE rate hike today? /

  14. Tom Brown

    It’s great to read your blog Danny. You’re sorely missed on Twitter. It’s full of the – need to raise interest rates to get inflation down bullshitters. (Except Richard Murphy).

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  1. Ian Erskine

    Great to see you back Danny.

  2. Patrick Wiggins

    Hi Danny good to see you back on social media! Is there a way to subscribe to the blog? I may have missed it as I am reading on my phone, it would be good to know when you post through an alert

  3. Thanks. I will add this to my list to check daily.

  4. Alan Chandler

    So pleased you are back. A voice of common sense that BOE sorely needs. We are heading in the wrong direction in UK. We have an interest rate/price spiral not a wage/price spiral. Putting rates up further is only going to make things worse.

  5. Martin Hime

    Many thanks for your blog. How do you subscribe please

  6. Bill Kerr-Smith

    It’s a real joy to see you blogging on these topics – and making so much sense. I can see this will become one of my “essential reads” if you carry on (and if I can subscribe).

  7. Danny Blanchflower

    Thanks everyone I am in learning mode! But thanks for the comments and will sort how to subscribe etc

  8. David Clements

    Great to have you back,thanks for the information,Richard Murphy.

  9. Ray whyms

    I just hope Sir Keir and others in shadow cabinet read it!!

  10. James E Frazer

    Good to have you back in online action Sir. Can you help explain why Brexit contributes to the latest inflation figure in the UK? As I understand it set-up costs and barriers implemented over 12 months ago would drop out of the data, with the hit to the total compensation in the economy when the barriers came in being permanent but no longer an increasing burden, so what new costs or restrictions on supply have there been in the last 12 as a result of not being an EU member?

  11. We need a new blog David after todays bone headed 0.5% increase in interest rates …

  12. Alan Chandler

    Danny, What do you think about BOE rate hike today? /

  13. Tom Brown

    It’s great to read your blog Danny. You’re sorely missed on Twitter. It’s full of the – need to raise interest rates to get inflation down bullshitters. (Except Richard Murphy).

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