Day 1: From Hanover to Narraganset – A Research Cruise Begins

As we loaded our vans with the cruise equipment and set off from Hanover, New Hampshire towards Narraganset, Rhode Island, we knew that the adventure of a research cruise was just beginning. Despite the cloudy and rainy day, and even snow as we drove towards southern New Hampshire, our spirits were high, thanks in part to the chocolates Mukul had given us. We stopped at an Indian lunch buffet, enjoying the chance to fuel up and eat to our hearts’ content.

As we arrived at the R/V Endeavor, we knew that there was much work to be done before we could set sail. We had to mobilize our equipment onto the deck of the ship, but first, we had to wait until the next day for the crew had called it a day by then. In the meantime, we explored the vessel, getting a sense of our home for the next few weeks. Our small, cozy bunk beds in the berthing of the ship were a welcome sight after a long day of travel.

As evening approached, the science party headed into a cute little tavern in the city of Narraganset for dinner. We relished the chance to unwind and enjoy some time together before the hard work of the cruise truly began.

Our research cruise promises to be an exciting and challenging adventure. With the R/V Endeavor as our home base, we will be studying the clay minerals, organic matters and the creatures that call the ocean home. It will be a journey, but we are motivated and eager to learn all that we can.

As we settle in for the night, we are filled with anticipation and excitement for the days ahead. There is much to be done, and we are ready for the challenge.