Haipeng Chen, Qian Han, Sushil Jajodia, Roy Lindelauf, V.S. Subrahmanian, Yanhai Xiong. Disclose or exploit? A game-theoretic approach to strategic decision making in cyber-warfare. IEEE Systems. Journal 14(3): 3779-3790 (2020)
Haipeng Chen, Mohammad Taghi Hajiaghayi, Sarit Kraus, Anshul Sawant, Edoardo Serra, V.S. Subrahmanian, Yanhai Xiong. PIE: A Data-driven payoff inference engine for strategic security applications.IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 7(1): 42-57 (2020)
Daniele Bellutta, Youdinghuan Chen, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Chiara Pulice, Anja Subasic, V.S. Subrahmanian. Understanding shifting triadic relationships in the Al-Qaeda/ISIS faction ecosystem.IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 7(6): 1423-1434 (2020)
Tanmoy Chakraborty, Fabio Pierazzi, V.S. Subrahmanian. EC2: Ensemble clustering andclassification for predicting android malware families. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 17(2): 262-277 (2020)
Qian Han, V.S. Subrahmanian, Yanhai Xiong. Android malware detection via (somewhat) robust irreversible feature transformations. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics Security. 15: 3511-3525 (2020)
Rui Liu, Runze Liu, Andrea Pugliese, V.S. Subrahmanian. STARS: Defending against sockpuppet-based targeted attacks on reviewing systems. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 11(5): 56:1-56:25 (2020)
Fabio Pierazzi, Ghita Mezzour, Qian Han, Michele Colajanni, V.S. Subrahmanian. A data-driven characterization of modern android spyware. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. 11(1): 4:1-4:38 (2020)
Ira Ray Jenkins, Prashant Anantharaman, Rebecca Shapiro, J. Peter Brady, Sergey Bratus, Sean W. Smith. Ghostbusting: Mitigating spectre with intraprocess memory isolation. HotSoS 2020, 10:1-10:11
Rik Farrow. Interview with Sergey Bratus. login Usenix Mag, 45(4)
Mark Chilenski, George Cybenko, Isaac Dekine, Piyush Kumar, Gil Raz. Observability properties of colored graphs. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 7(3), 1687-1696
Mark Chilenski, George Cybenko, Isaac Dekine, Piyush Kumar, Gil Raz. Analytic properties of trackable weak models.IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 7(4), 2866-2875
Sushil Jajodia, George Cybenko, V. S. Subrahmanian, Vipin Swarup, Cliff Wang, Michael P. Wellman. Adaptive Autonomous Secure Cyber Systems. Springer 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-33431-4
Mark Chilenski, George Cybenko, Isaac Dekine, Piyush Kumar, Gil Raz. Analytic properties of trackable weak models. CoRR abs/2001.07608
Joshua Ackerman, George Cybenko. A survey of neural networks and formal languages. CoRR abs/2006.01338
Xiaohui Liang, Ronald A. Peterson, David Kotz. Securely connecting wearables to ambient displays with user intent. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure. Computing. 17(4): 676-690
Sougata Sen, David Kotz. VibeRing: using vibrations from a smart ring as an out-of-band channel for sharing secret keys. IOT 2020. 13:1-13:8
Deqing Li, Eugene Santos, Jr. Discriminating deception from truth and misinformation: an intent-level approach. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. 32(3), 373-407
Jason Wei, Eugene Santos Jr. Narrative origin classification of Israeli-Palestinian conflict texts. FLAIRS Conference 2020: 258-263
Sean. W. Smith. Securing the internet of things: an ongoing challenge. IEEE Computer. 53 (6) June 2020.
Ira Ray Jenkins, Sean W. Smith. Distributed IoT attestation via blockchain. CCGRID 2020, 798-801
Niveta Ramkumar, Vijay H. Kothari, Caitlin Mills, Ross Koppel, Jim Blythe, Sean W. Smith. Andrew L. Kun. Eyes on URLs: relating visual behavior to safety decisions. ETRA 2020. 19:1-19:10
S. Ali, P. Anantharaman and Sean W. Smith. Armor within: defending against vulnerabilities in third-party libraries. The Sixth IEEE Workshop on Language-Theoretic Security (LangSec 2020); 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). May 2020.
P. Mundkur, P. Anantharaman, S. Ali, L. Briesemeister, N. Shankar and S.W. Smith.The parsley data format definition language. The Sixth IEEE Workshop on Language-Theoretic Security (LangSec 2020); 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). May 2020.
I.R. Jenkins, P. Anantharaman, R. Shapiro, J.P. Brady, S. Bratus and S.W. Smith. Ghostbusting: mitigating spectre with intraprocess memory isolation." HotSoS '20: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Hot Topics in the Science of Security. September 2020.
Ruibo Liu, Guangxuan Xu, Chenyan Jia, Weicheng Ma, Lili Wang, and Soroush Vosoughi. (2020). Data boost: Text data augmentation through reinforcement learning guided conditional generation. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020). Online.
Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Lili Wang, and Soroush Vosoughi. Multi-resolution annotations for emoji prediction. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020). Online.
Lili Wang, Ying Lu, Chenghan Huang, and Soroush Vosoughi. Embedding node structural role identity into hyperbolic space. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020). Online.
Xiaobo Guo, and Soroush Vosoughi. Multi-modal identification of state-sponsored propaganda on social media. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020).
Lili Wang, Ruibo Liu, and Soroush Vosoughi. Salienteye: Maximizing engagement while maintaining artistic style on Instagram using deep neural networks. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2020). Online.
Neeti Pokhriyal, Abenezer Dara, Benjamin Valentino, and Soroush Vosoughi. Social media data reveals signal for public consumer perceptions. In ACM International Conference on A.I. in Finance (ICAIF '20).
Jerry Wei, Chengyu Huang, Soroush Vosoughi, and Jason Wei.What are people asking about COVID-19? A question classification dataset. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 at ACL 2020.
Lili Wang, Chongyang Gao, Jason Wei, Weicheng Ma, Ruibo Liu, Soroush Vosoughi. An empirical survey of unsupervised text representation methods on twitter data. W-NUT@EMNLP 2020.
Jiachen Jiang, and Soroush Vosoughi.Not judging a user by their cover: Understanding harm in multi-modal processing within social media research. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics in MultiMedia at ACM Multimedia 2020 (FATE/MM’20).
Ruibo Liu, Guangxuan Xu, and Soroush Vosoughi. Enhanced offensive language detection through data augmentation. In ICWSM 2020 Data Challenge.