by f00323w | Apr 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
Official Results Omnium Rankings Week four, and another truly exceptional ECCC race. Hosted by our dear friends, UVM has brought together the unifying power of too-few porta-Johns, a hairpin turn built tighter than Carlos and the ground, and a road race featuring...
by f00323w | Apr 22, 2022 | Blog, Race Recaps
Official Results Omnium Rankings Ah, the inclement joys of spring. The conclusion of week 3 meant the advent of the spring ECCC race season’s most important event: the notorious L’enfer du Nord, featuring the Dartmouth home criterium. Benefitting from the home-court...
by Raif Olson | Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Race Recaps
Official Results Omnium Rankings The second week of term flew by and soon it was time to pack all the bikes into the trailer again and go on another long drive down to West Point. We drove down Friday night and arrived late, despite leaving as soon as classes ended....
by Raif Olson | Apr 11, 2022 | Power Analysis, Race Recaps
Saturday, April 2nd marked the first race weekend of the East Coast Collegiate Cycling season, with a pair of crits and a team time trial put on by the UMass Amherst Bicycle Racing Club. Bell Lap Coaching’s Steve Weller will be analyzing power files from one race...
by Raif Olson | Apr 5, 2022 | Blog, Race Recaps
ECCC Road Season is here!!!!! DCT racers showed up in droves to the first ECCC race of the season, leading to some 🤩amazing🤩 results and good times all around. Results posted here Also keep an eye out for a power analysis of lapping the field by our...