Wells Willett
’24 from New Paltz, NY
Fun Fact: Has two Morton’s toes and can unicycle
Ella Goetze
Gear/Clothing Chair
’23 from Richmond, VT
Nathan Mcallister
Social Media Architect ’25 from Davis, California
Fun Fact:
His hometown, Davis, dubbed “Bike City USA,” has more bikes than people!
Nolan Holmes
Sponsorship Chair ’25 from Brattleboro, VT Fun Fact:
Gear Guru and likes to nordic ski
Carlos Ohler
Finance Chair ’24 from London, UK Fun Fact:
Carlos is a self-proclaimed Strava Cartographer and Traveling Bard. His alter-ego is David Attenborough
Raif Olson
Vice-President ’24 from Ely, Minnesota Fun Fact:
Really likes Oreos
Clyde Logue
’22 from Portsmouth, NH
Theory Millar
’24 from Topanga, California Fun Fact:
“I’ve only ever had chickens as pets (except for a hamster that I named chicken)”
London Warburton
’23 from Bow, NH Fun Fact: Is C&T co-president and has the strongest arms on the team
Alex Wells
’23 from Blacksburg, VA
Fun Fact:
Is C&T co-president and unicycles more than he rides a normal bike
Andrew Pike
Thayer PhD ’25 from Colchester, VT Fun Fact:
“I made my own headset spacer out of a cutting board to get my handlebars as low as possible”
Kevin Mahoney
’25 from Norton MA
Dario Seyb
Grad student from Berlin, Germany
Fun Fact:
Is planning a MASSIVE bikepacking adventure
Spencer Meek
’24 from Beverly, MA Fun Fact:
“I once fell over on my bike reaching for a water bottle because I had just hurled from hill climbing”
Adam Schwendt
Med student from Slovakia
Fun Fact:
Rides for Above & Beyond Cancer Cycling semi-pro team
Ish McLaughlin
’23 from Summit, New Jersey. Fun Fact:
Ish thinks blue m+ms taste better than the rest
Abigail Johnson
23 from Andover, MA. Fun Fact: Has been racing bikes since middle school