We are enthusiastic to announce MICR 150, a two week intensive hands-on training course for credit that will be of interest to biomedical researchers at all levels.
This course may be attended in person, on the beautiful campus of the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory near Bar Harbor Maine, (MDIBL) or attended remotely, via Zoom.
The course has been developed by Thomas Hampton and Bruce Stanton (Department of Microbiology and Immunology), who have directed Bioinformatics courses at MDIBL for a decade.
This course provides students with a practical knowledge of the bioinformatics and biostatistics relevant to biomedical research. Data sets used in the course include: RNA-seq analysis of primary human airway epithelial cells exposed to Pseudomonas, human airway cells exposed to different respiratory viruses, and bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing.
The course will provide modules on:
• how to plan an Omics experiment
• how to identify differentially expressed genes
• how to perform pathway enrichment analysis
• how to leverage machine learning approaches in a biomedical context
Most work will be performed using the R statistical programming environment, so the course begins with an introduction to R. Students will have opportunities for hands-on experience making a wide variety of graphical data representations and learning how to use many advanced statistical tests relevant to biomedical research. Finally, the course includes modules on FAIR data practices, rigor and reproducibility.
Funds are available to support tuition of MCB students.
For complete course information and other details, including the application, visit: https://mdibl.org/course/applied-bioinformatics-2021/