“Identifying Sources of Inefficiency in Health Care,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #24035, 2018 (with Amitabh Chandra) (Conditionally accepted, Quarterly Journal of Economics).
“Validating Teacher Effect Estimates Using Changes in Teacher Assignments in Los Angeles,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #20657, 2014 (with Andrew Bacher-Hicks and Thomas Kane).
“Knowledge, Tests, and Fadeout in Educational Interventions,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #18038, 2012 (with Elizabeth Cascio).
“Identifying Provider Prejudice in Healthcare,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #16382, 2010 (with Amitabh Chandra).
“Heterogeneous Preferences and the Efficacy of Public School Choice,” manuscript, June 2008 (with Justine Hastings and Thomas Kane).
“Estimating Teacher Impacts on Student Achievement: An Experimental Evaluation,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #14607, December 2008 (with Tom Kane).
“National Board Certification and Teacher Effectiveness: Evidence from a Random Assignment Experiment,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #14608, December 2008 (with Steven Cantrell, Jon Fullerton, and Tom Kane).
“Preferences and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in a Public School Choice Lottery,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #12145, March 2006 (with Justine Hastings and Thomas Kane).
“Parental Preferences and School Competition: Evidence from a Public School Choice Program,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #11805, November 2005 (with Justine Hastings and Thomas Kane).
“Using Imperfect Information to Identify Effective Teachers,” manuscript, April 2005 (with Thomas Kane).
“Improving Provider Profiles for Assessing Quality of Care in a High Risk Patient Population,” manuscript 2002 (with Jeannette Rogowski, Jeffrey Horbar, Michael Kenny, Joseph Carpenter, Jeffrey Geppert and Mark McClellan).
“Improving School Accountability Systems,” manuscript, 2002 (with Thomas Kane), earlier draft was NBER working paper #8156.
“Assessing the Definition of ‘Adequate Yearly Progress’ in the House and Senate Education Bills,” manuscript, 2001 (with Thomas Kane and Jeffrey Geppert,).
“An Economic Model of Teen Motherhood: Opportunity Costs, Biological Constraints, and the Timing of First Birth,” manuscript 2001 (with Jonathan Wilwerding,).
“How Do Good Hospitals Do It? Estimating the Effects of Medical Practice” manuscript, 2000 (with Jeffrey Geppert and Mark McClellan).
“The Quality of Health Care Providers,” National Bureau of Economic Research working paper #7327, September 1999 (with Mark McClellan).
“Estimating Returns to Schooling when Schooling is Misreported,” with Thomas Kane and Cecilia E. Rouse, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #7235, 1999.