Winter 2016 EmpowHER Calendar!


January 15-28 – MLK CELEBRATION!
See the Calendar of Events for more details.

Friday, January 22, 4:30 PM, Market Table
EmpowHER After-Hours Social Event

Thursday, February 4, 12-1PM, IDE Conference Room
EmpowHER Lunch + Book Club: Whistling Vivaldi, by Claude Steele
Please contact Rachel Edens for more details

Friday, February 19, 4:30 PM, Location TBD
EmpowHER After-Hours Social Event

Thursday, March 3, 12-1 PM, IDE Conference Room
EmpowHER Lunch Get-together

Friday, March 18, 4:30 PM, Location TBD
EmpowHER After-Hours Social Event


Depending on the weather and the outdoors, we may try for an EmpowHER get-together in February and do something fun outdoors, like skating on Occom or cross-country skiing!