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Committee Releases Report

The Golf Course Advisory Committee has completed its review and has drafted a report of findings. The report is now available for review on the "reports and documents" page found here. The committee was made up of 12 members representing a wide variety of stakeholders - Hanover Country Club golfers and neighbors, Dartmouth alumni and faculty, the Pine Park Association, runners and other non-golf recreators, the Town of Hanover, and the College administration. Between February 2, 2018 and May 21, 2018, the committee met a total of six times to review relevant information and to discuss and brainstorm future options. The committee reviewed over 50 emails that were submitted and hosted an open forum that was attended by over 150 community members.

A second forum is scheduled for Wednesday, May 30, 2018 allowing for community questions and comments about the report. Details about the event can be found here. The committee will issue a memo to be attached to the report that captures feedback gathered during the session. These findings will be presented to EVP Rick Mills and President Hanlon as a key input in deciding the next steps for the golf course.

Golf Course Advisory Committee Final Report (Posted May 25, 2018)