Bing He
Associate Professor/Principal Investigator
B.S. Peking University
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Postdoc. Princeton University
Zuzana Burdikova
Research Associate
Ph.D. Charles University in Prague
Ari Fernandez Arce
Research Assistant, BOLD Fellow
B.S. Colby-Sawyer College
Laetitia Reduron
Graduate Student, Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Program
B.A. Université Laval, QC
M.Sc. Université Laval, QC
Sophia Micale
Graduate Student, Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) Program
B.S. Brandeis University
Katherine Wan
Summer Research Intern
Horace Mann School, Mamaroneck, NY
Jana Svindrychova
Summer Research Intern
Hanover High School, Hanover, NH
Lab Alumni
Ben Snyder
Research Assistant
Jiayang Chen
PhD Student (MCB program, Graduated in 2023)
Post-graduate position: Postdoctoral Scholar, UCSF
Matthew Plawecki
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Chloe Fugle
Junior Research Fellow, Honors Thesis Student (High Honors, 2023)
Cameron Baller
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Louella Seo
High School Research Assistant (Kimball Union Academy)
Hanqing Guo
PhD Student (MCB program, Graduated in 2022)
Post-graduate position: Westlake Fellow, Westlake University (Hangzhou)
Min Hur
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Presidential Scholar
Wei Chen
PhD Student (MCB program, Graduated in 2021)
Post-graduate position: Postdoctoral Scholar, UCSF/HHMI
Hayley Piper
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Victoria Bergstein
Sophomore Research Fellow, Presidential Scholar, Honors Thesis Student (High Honors, 2022)
Samantha (Sam) Liu
Rotation Graduate Student (MCB Program)
Melisa Fuentes
PhD Student (MCB program, Graduated in 2021)
Post-graduate position: Data Scientist, Beghou Consulting
Melissa Wang
WISP Intern, Barbara E. Crute Memorial Intern, Presidential Scholar, Honors Thesis Student (High Honors, 2021)
Sruti Pari
Presidential Scholar, Honors Thesis Student (High Honors, 2020)
Nawat Bunnag
Rotation Graduate Student (MCB Program)
James Lee
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Shicheng Huang
Research Associate
June Dong
Summer Research Fellow
Samuel (Sam) Reed
Junior Research Fellow, Honors Thesis Student (High Honors, 2019)
Genaro Olveda
Rotation Graduate Student (MCB Program)
Gabrielle Levy
WISP Intern
Michael Brown
Sophomore Research Fellow
Kenneth (Ken) Zhu
Sophomore Research Fellow
Brenna Gourgeot
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Katherine (Kate) Royce
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Alicia Sivitz
Research Associate