“My grandma was the kind of woman who managed to make every moment feel magical. When I was a kid, all my cousins would have sleepovers at my grandparents’ house. Instead of hollering that breakfast was ready, she would pretend she couldn’t see us and act absolutely shocked when she wasn’t able to make the beds that we were curled up in. We would giggle and hide under the covers as my seemingly perplexed grandma would shout to my grandpa for help, saying that there must be little mice rustling around in the beds.

When we got older, her love came through in different ways. My favorite way grandma let us know she missed us was through her spontaneous “love presents”. They were never big; one I still have today is a pencil with the honey nut Cheerios logo on it and my name printed in gold letters. Each gift she sent was something she randomly saw that made her think of us, which made my cousins, siblings, and me feel cherished and loved.

I would consider myself a fairly serious person, but my grandma taught me that I enjoy being surrounded by people who can let loose and make simple moments feel special. Because of that, I have friends and co-workers who make me laugh every day. Every time one of them makes me smile and encourages me to embrace my own silly side I know that my grandma would have loved them too.” – Nancy Bloomfield, Sharon, Vermont

October 19, 2021