“I am a glitchy, multidimensional, and unmedicated ADD gal sorting it out and working through it. I have had a lot of help as the youngest of seven kids and from many mentors as an adult. 

My parents bought Pierce’s Inn in Etna on a whim. When I was young, my dad was an ad executive in New York City. He was successful, but it was not fulfilling for him. When my parents became innkeepers, their financial security evaporated, but they were so happy working and spending time together. 

I was in first grade when we landed in Etna, and I loved it. We were surrounded by forest, and we also had a pond and a ski hill. When I grew up, I never thought I would return to Etna, NH. My husband and I ended up taking over the inn when my parents got too old to keep it going. Pierce’s Inn is a place where people gather. Our kids are lucky to have grown up here. Being innkeepers makes for a weird, funky life, but our family meets a lot of interesting people. I am most proud of the work my husband and I do to cultivate our connections, both with each other and with our three children. For me, those connections are the best part of life.

Through my work, the message that I want to put out to the world is that it is a glitchy operation being a human being. I aim for a B- in everything and feel like a badass if and when that occurs. We will all be figuring out life until we hit the exit ramp. I am forgiving of myself, and I want people to be more forgiving of themselves in all realms – as parents, in their jobs, and with their partners.

I do a lot of jobs. I help Bruce with the inn. I do solo shows. I present in schools and colleges. I appreciate the variety built into my life. One of my strengths is that I can admit what I do not know and ask for help. I have teams of people who mentor me in all areas of my life – comedy, my research on sexuality and pleasure, and parenting. I see a lot of people who are lonely and struggling because they think they need to sort life on their own. I wish more people found the freedom in seeking support and wisdom from others.” 

– Cindy Pierce, Etna, NH

February 22, 2024