
New Course Offerings for 15S!

Comparative Literature 77 Biggie or 2Pac? Acting 0 Unleash your inner Kristen Stewart and stare at things for a few hours with your mouth kinda open. Also fuck a vampire. Not an actual vampire, just…

Castles in the Sand

A Short Reverie About The Serendipitous Meeting That Most Influenced The Rest of My Life I would often go down to the beach without mother or father, but with trusty bucket in hand. I spent…

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5 Things That Are Sure to Go Viral This Winter

RSV: Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV is definitely gonna catch on. If people keep not washing their hands, (which they won’t) this sick respiratory tract infection is gonna be a hit. Rhinovirus: This is the…

9th Blitz is the Charm

Derek Roberts, ’16, excitedly announced today that he was joining the Korean Women’s Cultural Association after receiving over half a dozen Blitzes from the campus group. He commented: “As a male with no Korean Heritage,…

Jack-O-Lantern Statement

Any names used the Fake Dartmouth publication and any other publication are either names in the public domain; names being used with permission; or are fictional. Any resemblance to real names is coincidental and unintentional.

Ethics Student Reads Textbook, Learns Cheating Is Wrong

After facing suspension charges from Dartmouth for being implicated in large scale clicker cheating plot in “Sports, Ethics, and Religion”, Jason Todd has made a revelation. “So, I ended up opening one of my ‘Sports,…

Dartmouth Voices: Clickergate

“Wait, we had clickers in that class?”   “If it’s a religion class, can’t we just confess before the final?” “Isn’t Clicker just that social media thing with the birds?”   -KS ’16

Ryan Lochte Answers the Big Questions

Are you worried about big data? No my penis is ok. Except for a little syph. Ja feel? Jeah. Thoughts on cultural appropriation? Jeah. What’s the cube root of 491169069? 789. Get it? Cause 7…