Continuing research into this unique form of late night political punditry will clarify what role, if any, comics play in influencing perceptions of presidential debates.

Josh Compton

This chapter returns to the first presidential debate of 2004, surveying some of the late night humor that prefaced and then followed the match between George W. Bush and John Kerry. I then discuss the idea that late night comedic postdebate analysis warrants closer scrutiny from scholars to assess both the content and potential effects of this political punditry in punchlines.

Compton, J. (2008). Political punditry in punchlines: Late night comics take on the 2004 presidential debates. In Morris, J. S., & Baumgartner, J. C. (Eds.) Laughing matters: Humor and American politics in the media age (pp. 171-186). New York: Routledge.