We argue that these letters from Commissioner Goodell served more than an informational purpose; the open letters were also functioning as image repair efforts to restore fan confidence that the league was protecting its players and preserving the integrity of the game.
Josh Compton & Jordan Compton
Our analysis reveals three main conclusions. First, the open letters were not as forthcoming as they should have been. Accusations were not mentioned, which invited skepticism about timing. Second, corrective action strategies were appropriate and effective in this context. Finally, the letters managed to weave transcendence (reducing offensiveness) strategies among the corrective action dimensions—arguments that likely resonated with fans of football.
Compton, J., & Compton, J. L. (2014, March). “Better and safer”: Image repair strategies in open letters to fans of the National Football League about concussion prevention [paper presentation]. International Association for Communication and Sport Summit, New York City, NY, United States.
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