Complex messages—including and perhaps especially those that have the trappings of a simple message, like a simple postcard—are good candidates for rhetorical scrutiny, yielding insight into where we…
I’m turning to a unique case study of public communication to hopefully gain unique insights into inoculation theory. Here, the threat is fear. Josh Compton In September 2017,…
His approach worked with immunization, too, in a way that was mentionable and manageable, by paralleling some of the central tenets of inoculation theory. Josh Compton & Alicia…
The primary argumentation strategy, this analysis offers, is inoculation, or the pairing of counterattitudinal content with refutations, thereby weakening the counterattitudinal content, that parallels the medical practice of…
The conflation of inoculation terminology with a non-inoculation process likely only adds to these confusing, potentially dangerous, public statements on health from a religious leader. Josh Compton…
Inoculation, then, could be seen as both a reflection of dialogue and as dialogue in action, both interpersonally and intrapersonally. Josh Compton & alicia mason Immunization communication in Mister…
Colbert’s breaking of character—a rare inconsistency—received less attention than the consistency of his characterised testimony. Josh Compton This analysis examines criticism of Stephen Colbert’s congressional testimony on…
What we have in this image repair case seems to be a form of aporia—of talking about not being able to talk about something. Josh Compton Steve Rannazzisi, comedian…
It would also be of interest to explore whether weather forecasters could preempt image attacks, prior to inevitable wrong forecasts. The rhetorical approach of image prepare might be one option….
Might some references to speechwriters even function as an inoculation effect, protecting the speaker against criticism? Josh Compton Presidents not only use speechwriters; they also have views on…