Simply put, those who have been inoculated should be both better prepared to talk, and more motivated to do so. Bobi Ivanov, Claude Miller, Josh Compton, Joshua Averbeck,…
Acts of theoretical and conceptual explication— particularly intensive study of prerequisite variables—return us to fundamental interests of theory development and understanding. A better understanding of inoculation theory particularly means…
Based on unique characteristics of the inoculation messages (threat, involve- ment, and accessibility) and the special nature of the modality of word-of-mouth communicating along social networks, spreading inoculation…
Counterarguing and attitude accessibility were shown to be distinct tracks en route to resistance but, to an even greater extent, they embody overlapping processes in that threat enhances…
Far from retiring, inoculation continues to be academically inspiring. Josh Compton & Michael Pfau Inoculation theory boasts a dynamic history since McGuire first introduced it in the…
Pfau, M., Compton, J., Parker, K. A., Wittenberg, E. M., An, C., Ferguson, M., Horton, H., & Malyshev, Y. (2003, May). Inoculation, mental processing, and time: The short- and long-term…