Microbiology & Molecular Pathogenesis Program (M2P2) at Dartmouth is a highly interactive and interdisciplinary community of faculty, graduate students and post-docs, and staff that pursue an understanding of microbes and their interactions with hosts.
M2P2 labs study bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, immunology, the microbiome, cell biology, computational biology, and structural biology.
We welcome any Dartmouth community member who is interested in microbes and the many interactions they have in the context of health or disease.
Who We Are
M2P2 is a vibrant community of students, postdocs, faculty and staff focused on research and training in the areas of microbiology and microbe-host interactions.
What We Do
We provide an outstanding training experience by providing opportunities for presentation, formal & informal interactions with colleagues, and collaborative projects.
Our Research
Our program’s research areas include bacteria, fungi, parasites, microbe-host interactions and microbe-microbe interactions.
The Upper Connecticut River Valley is a safe, friendly, and collegial place to live and work. The area contains extraordinary natural beauty and plentiful recreational activities.
Many of the labs that participate in the M2P2 program are located at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth on the Dartmouth campus in Hanover, NH. Hanover is a town of approximately 10,000 people and is located on the western side of New Hampshire.
Our connections with groups across the Dartmouth community fosters research collaboration, allows for access to multiple research programs and centers as well as career development opportunities.