Winter has been off to a tough start with Omicron running wild on campus but we’ve been thankful to have time in the gym and maintain a regular practice schedule. Unfortunately, it has been a bit too cold for Volleyball On The Green but we will be eagerly awaiting its return come spring! As our new players have had more practice time, we have all begun to develop further as a team and we look forward to seeing our improvement in our upcoming season. In addition to our work on the court, our social development, including team dinners and events with the women’s team, has been splendid.
This term will provide many opportunities for these new members to step up as many of our senior players are on away terms right now. Peter Blatchford ‘23 is having a blast (or should we say a Blatchst? Probably not) in Argentina, and two of our captains Mark Tao ‘23 and Nathan Hwang ‘22 are enjoying their off terms in Cleveland and sunny Los Angeles respectively. It is so great to see them having a good time and we look forward to the chances to see our new players perform!
We did not have any tournaments in the fall but we are excited to see some good ones coming up this winter. We start with Worcester Polytechnic Institute on the weekend of February 12th, then Northeastern on the 19th, and finally a big one at UConn on March 6th. We hope to win a couple games and give you some great news at the end of the term.
Dartmouth's 112th Winter Carnival will take place February 10-13. This year’s theme is "Mission: Winter Carnival - License to Chill," a play on words for Mission Impossible, License to Kill! We as club volleyball cannot wait to take part in the Polar Bear Plunge in Occom Pond, the 99-Cent Ski Day at the Dartmouth Skiway, Human Dog Sled Races, and looking at all of the sculptures in the Ice Sculpture Contest!
As always, Go Big Green.
Thank you for your continued support! We would not be who we are without your kind donations!
Dartmouth Men’s Club Volleyball