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Workshops and Trainings

Unwind Your Mind.  Relax Your Body.  Focus More.

The Mindful Dartmouth Initiative offers a wide range of interactive and educational opportunities for students, faculty and staff. These workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs of each requesting group* so that all walk away with skills and knowledge applicable to their role at Dartmouth College.  Lengths of workshops vary from 15-minute sessions to multi-week courses. 

Please see the detailed descriptions of each program below. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, you can request a session here

*Must have a minimum of 7 participants to request a program

For Students, Staff, and Faculty

4-Week Intro to Mindfulness

A 4-week course that will teach you the skills of mindfulness and meditation. You will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness and learn several skills, including meditation, for managing stress and enriching your life. 

Request a session here.

Mindfulness 101

An introduction to basic meditation practices, what meditation and mindfulness mean, and how to add them more in your daily life. This workshop will include discussion after trying out various meditation practices- no one is ever required to participate, but the more people are willing to share their own experiences the more students will get out of this workshop. 

Request a session here

Mindful Self-Compassion

We often find ourselves offering compassion and care for others when they are in distress, yet struggle to befriend and support ourselves when we need it most. In this workshop, you will learn what self-compassion is, the ways in which this evidence-based practice can improve your well-being and mental health, as well as how you can start incorporating it in your life right away.. In addition, there will be time for reflection, connecting with others and a guided self-compassion meditation to experience it for yourself!

Request a session here.

iRest/Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep”

Reduce stress and anxiety with this unique experience that promotes deep rest and relaxation through a lying down, easy guided meditation.  This is a practice anyone can do, regardless of age or ability. Nothing is needed except a quiet space for folks to lie or sit down comfortably and a mind that is ready to relax.

A recent study showed that while meditation and yoga nidra were both effective in reducing anxiety and stress, yoga nidra seemed to be more effective in reducing anxiety.

Request a session here.

Yoga + Mindfulness Mix

A workshop that blends a gentle yoga practice with basic meditation practices. The yoga flows will be all-levels, simple, and restorative. The first half of the time will focus on mindful movement through yoga practice. Then the second half will be spent exploring different types of meditation practices, such as awareness of breath.

Request a session here.

Gentle Yoga

Great for beginners and long-time practitioners alike!  This class is all about slowing down and treating our bodies, minds, and hearts with kind, caring attention.  Through breath work, gentle seated and standing postures, and time for deep rest, this class will leave your group feeling more calm, centered, and relaxed.

Request a session here.

Yoga Flow

More active and dynamic, this class is wonderful for a group who might want to create some warmth and cultivate greater strength and flexibility in their bodies and minds. Flowing between strong and steady postures, paying particular attention to our breath and minds, and making time for sweet relaxation, this class will leave your group feeling more energized, grounded, and focused.

Request a session here.

Power of the Pause

Learn an evidence-based, easy-to-learn, and quick way (the STOP practice) to offer a moment of pausing to use before, during, or at the end of your classes, meetings, projects or events to create a learning/working environment that fosters greater focus, increased learning retention, and enhanced mental wellbeing. Meditation script, recording of the STOP practice, and teaching guide will be provided.   

*This is recommended for those who want to learn and feel more confident and comfortable in providing mindful moments for others.  Great for faculty who want to interweave wellbeing into their classes, for UGAs/RFS to use with students, and staff leaders who want to create a more positive work environment.

Request a session here.