We offer evidence-based courses, one-on-one mentoring sessions, group practice sessions, and DIY pathways that teach both secular and non-secular mindfulness skills to help you better manage your stress and reduce your anxiety.
Intro to Mindfulness for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Intro to Mindfulness is a 4-week course that will teach you the skills of mindfulness and meditation. You will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness and learn several skills, including meditation, for managing stress and enriching your life.
Mindfulness Mentoring
Sign-up for a one-on-one Mindfulness Mentoring session.
Mindfulness Mentoring sessions provide a space for you to talk to a trained mindfulness teacher who can provide a source of support as you are developing, or deepening, a mindfulness practice.
What can I expect?
Mindfulness Mentoring sessions typically last about 45 minutes. During this time, we try to get to know you better and learn how we can best support you and your efforts towards creating more mindful awareness.
Time can be spent discussing:
- Meditation questions
- Tips on creating a more regular mindfulness habit
- How, why, and where to integrate mindfulness more into your daily life
- Troubleshoot any challenges you may be experiencing in your practice
- ...or anything else you come in with
To schedule a Mindfulness Mentoring session, click here.For deeper spiritual guidance, speak with someone from The Tucker Center.
Join a Dartmouth Community Practice Group
- Student Mindfulness Group - student led organization where Dartmouth students, both undergraduate and graduate, from diverse religious (or non-religious), spiritual, and cultural backgrounds can learn different techniques for cultivating mindfulness. For more information, please contact the Dartmouth Student Mindfulness Group.
- Wednesday Morning Mindfulness Practice Group - Meets every Wednesday, 8:00 - 9:00 AM. Open to staff, faculty, students, and community members. Email Adam J. Knowlton-Young for Zoom link.
- Zen Practice Group for Students and Staff - Read more for updated schedule of practice sessions.
- Mindfulness Meditation Series for Faculty and Staff - Happening periodically through the year, these multi-week offerings typically take place during the lunch hour. Email Bruce.E.McClelland@dartmouth.edu for more information.
Local and Regional Practice Groups and Retreat Centers
Local Community Groups (in person and virtual offerings)
- Valley Insight Meditation Society-Lebanon-Hanover NH
- Heart of the Valley Mindfulness Practice Center, Norwich, VT
- Upper Valley Zen Center
Regional Retreat Centers
- Wonderwell Mountain Refuge, Grantham, New Hampshire
- Vermont Insight Meditation Center
- Pema Osel Do Ngak Choling Study and Practice Center
DIY Mindfulness Pathways
For some, regularly making it to a weekly class, workshop, or group practice session can have its challenges. Schedules may not match up or we may simply prefer to explore mindfulness-based practices on our own from time-to-time.
Wherever you are on your mindfulness journey, we have resources for you! Try out any of the following at a time and place that works best for you. Remember you can always schedule a Mindfulness Mentoring Session (link to mindfulness mentor page) for questions and guidance as needed.
- Self-Paced Wellness “Challenges” - Multi-day challengs aimed to help you cultivate and sustain a mindfulness practice.
- Guided Meditations from the Student Wellness Center - Choose from a variety of 3-25 minute mindfulness exercises.
- Headspace app - Free, premium access to mindfulness and meditation app for Dartmouth.
- Plum Village App - A free app with guided meditations, deep relaxations and other practices offered by Zen master, Thich Nhat Han, and his monastic community.
- Webinars and resources - a selection of online and asynchronous resources from Wellness at Dartmouth.
Weekly Classes
Join us for our free, all-levels, weekly drop in classes that are held throughout the year. These classes are a great way to try different styles of mindfulness and see which one is a good fit for you!
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