The research of Optics in Medicine Laboratory members Adam Glaser, Stephen Kanick, Rongxiao Zhang, and lab director Brian Pogue is featured in the latest volume of Biomedical Optics Express. Published by the Optics Society of America on April 17, 2013, A GAMOS plug-in for GEANT4 based Monte Carlo simulation of radiation-induced light transport in biological media describes a tissue optics plug-in that interfaces with the GENAT4/GAMOS Monte Carlo (MC) architecture. The paper presents the development of the program that extends enhanced capabilities for users to simulate optical photon transport through turbid media. In addition, this publication also provides examples of applications of the Čerenkov effect—a light pattern that occurs when a radiation beam enters water—within a medical context.
The GENAT4/GAMOS Monte Carlo (MC) plug-in is now available for free download. The Optics in Medicine Laboratory has also released a user’s manual for the software, example simulation files, and a MATLAB file of the program.