Physics World recently published a story about Thayer School of Engineering graduate Jacqueline Andreozzi, PhD, and her presentation at the 2018 AAPM Annual Meeting on the use of Cherenkov imaging for beam measurements in a MR-linear accelerator.
Jacqueline and the Dartmouth research team used a MR-linac to irradiate a water tank and measured Cherenkov emissions with an intensified CMOS sensor. Using a remote triggering device, they synchronized the acquired images to the radiation pulses from the MR-linac. Because the CMOS sensor can more easily collect red/near-infrared photons, the Dartmouth team demonstrated through these simulations that the number of detected Cherenkov photons is proportional to radiation dose.
Dr. Andreozzi concluded that Cherenkov imaging is a MR-compatible method for measuring MR-linac doses that is both rapid and repeatable. Importantly, Cherenkov imaging also has the potential for expansion to small beam dosimetry.
Jacqueline is now a Medical Physics Resident in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Florida.