Jonathan Elliott, PhD, Assistant Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College, has been invited to speak at the 2017 Annual meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging in Denver, CO, on June 14.
Professor Elliott’s presentation is entitled, “Molecular Guided Surgery for Improved Brain Tumor Resection,” part of a session on Intraoperative Detection Devices and Probes. The session will cover identifying appropriate clinical/investigational applications for fluorescence molecular imaging, adopting emerging biomedical fluorescence imaging technologies to improve accuracy of surgical margins and improve patient outcomes. Professor Elliott is joined at this session by distinguished colleagues from the Washington University School of Medicine, Stanford University, and Emory University.
Funded by an NIH/NCI K99 “Pathway to Independence” grant, Professor Elliott’s research in the Center for Imaging Medicine at the Thayer School of Engineering focuses on using molecular targeted fluorescence and kinetic imaging to enhance contrast between tumor and normal tissue.