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Request for Applications

We seek scientists who desire further training and resources for conducting research that will advance Dartmouth Health’s Learning Health System


The Dartmouth Learning Health System E-STaR Center’s overarching goal is to address the disparities and unmet healthcare needs faced by the communities we serve by strengthening research training incorporating patient-centered outcomes research, comparative effectiveness research, and learning health system competencies. Scientists with these research skills will generate new evidence and accelerate the implementation of evidence-based practices that will improve healthcare quality, care experience, and patient outcomes.

We seek to recruit and train a diverse group of scientists interested in building skills to conduct patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and comparative effectiveness research (CER), within a learning health system. The Dartmouth LHS E-STaR Center will provide selected scientists with mentorship and a tailored program of didactic and experiential training, co-designed with the scientist, to support research within the Dartmouth Health learning health system, which encompasses Promise Partnership activities, to improve health system operations, quality, and health outcomes.



    • Multidisciplinary mentorship and tailored training over 18-months.
    • Resources for carrying out a 12-month project with up to $100,000 total costs available (direct plus indirect costs) for research project needs including those available through the Center (e.g., project coordination, research assistance, statistical analysis) this does not include salary support for the scientist.
    • Partnership Academy: 2-day experiential training on community engagement in rural health equity for medically underserved populations.
    • Activities designed to foster a community of practice in coproduction of healthcare services within a learning health system: 
      1. Monthly E-STaR Center Seminars
      2. Twice yearly Promise Partnership Learning Collaboratives
      3. Invitation to participate in The Dartmouth Institute’s Coproduction Laboratory weekly meetings
      4. Opportunities to engage with community members through the Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity
    • Scientists selected for E-STaR Center Awards will work with the Center leadership team, the Research Education Core, and the Research & Data Analysis Core to finalize their research plan and to receive regulatory approval during their initial 6-months as an E-STaR Scientist.


Applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Be an early or mid-career scientist with a terminal degree (e.g., MD, PhD, DNP, DO, or equivalent). Postdoctoral trainees, including those in a clinical fellowship supported by DH are eligible to apply.
  • Be committed to advancing PCOR/CER and implementation of evidence-based practices within a learning health system.
  • Able to devote 20% full-time equivalent effort for 18 months commencing July 2024.


Scientists wishing to apply must submit the following through our application site:

1. Letter of Intent that includes:

– Proposal title

– Brief description of proposed research project topic including significance and preliminary specific aims. These aims may be modified for the final application but should convey the significance and innovation of the proposed line of research (1-page limit)

– Brief explanation of how the proposed research will help fulfill the Center’s overarching goal of addressing the disparities and unmet healthcare needs faced by the largely rural communities DH serves (½ page limit)

– Brief discussion of how the training provided by the Center will help fulfill the applicant’s career objectives (½ page limit)

– Brief review of how the applicant’s training and/or life experiences prepare them to contribute to creating a culture of inclusive excellence through their participation in the Center (½ page limit)

2. NIH-format biosketch

3. References: Names and contact information for three references (including at least one from the proposed research setting).

4. Departmental Approval for Applicant Document: A signed letter from the applicant’s Department Chair and Section Chief (if applicable) affirming the applicant’s ability to commit 20% full-time equivalent effort to Center activities for 18 months starting in July 2024.

NOTE: Receipt of Letters of Intent will be acknowledged and complete Letters of Intent will undergo a preliminary review to assess project significance, feasibility, alignment of applicant training needs with PCOR, CER, learning health system competencies, and the applicant’s potential for enhancing the Center’s commitment to inclusive excellence. A subset of applicants will be invited for interviews. Finalist applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal.


The full proposal will be a maximum of five pages and will include:

  • Candidate Statement: Address the importance of training opportunities in context of the applicant’s career objectives along with how the applicant’s background, training, and/or life experiences will contribute to the Center’s goal of promoting diversity in the scientific workforce including groups historically underrepresented in medicine (e.g., racial and ethnic minorities, women, individuals who identify with LGBTQ+ communities, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from lower income backgrounds, etc.) (not to exceed 1 page)

  • Research Project Proposal (not to exceed 4 pages exclusive of literature cited):
      • Specific Aims: Succinctly introduce the research project, its significance, innovation, aims, and expected outcomes, including how PCOR and/or CER are addressed.
      • Project Approach: Specify the characteristics of the population that will be studied and the research setting(s) for the project. For interventional studies, describe the interventions being compared and highlight the evidence that supports their efficacy and current use in clinical practice. 
    • Additional Items (not included within the 5-page limit)
      • Preliminary Statement of Project Resource Needs
      • Preliminary Project Timeline 
      • Literature Cited
      • Training and Career Goals: Reflects need for patient-centered outcomes research and comparative effectiveness research and/or learning health system competency training.
    • All full proposal submissions and interviews will be reviewed and scored by an interdisciplinary Review Committee based on the following criteria:

          • Project Focus: Significance to Dartmouth Health’s Promise Partnership Learning Health System and communities served.
          • Project Feasibility: Highly feasible to complete within program period.
          • Project Impact: Potential for high impact on timely healthcare access and/or other salient patient-centered outcomes. 
          • Engagement: Demonstrates ability and desire to engage with patient partners/community members in research.
          • Receptivity to Feedback and Mentoring: Receptive to comments and suggestions on preliminary aims/ project design. 
          • Subject Matter: Demonstrates knowledge of the broader subject matter or subfield.
          • Contribution to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Ability to foster a culture of inclusive excellence.
          • Leadership and Collegiality: Ability to work with others and participate in Center activities.


Milestone Date
Informational Webinars on Request for Application

March 8 at 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET

March 14 at 5:15 – 6:15 PM ET

Letter of Intent Due April 1, 2024
Preliminary review of Letters of Intent and Interviews  April 2 – 19, 2024
Invitation for Full Proposals April 22, 2024
Full Proposal Submission Due May 24, 2024
Review of Full Proposals by Review Committee May 27 – June 13, 2024
Selected E-STaR Scientist Notification Date June 14, 2024
Anticipated Scientist Start Date July 2024
Anticipated Research Project Start Date January 2025

All applicants will be notified via email by the dates noted above.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn more about this Request for Applications?

We will hosted two informational webinars on March 8th and March 14th.

Presentation Recording
LHS E-STaR Informational Webinar Slides


How can I submit the LOI to the E-STaR Center?

You can submit your Letter of Inent using the following link:

Can multiple scientists apply to be a LHS E-STaR scientist for the same project?

Yes, LHS Scientists may work on a shared project. Each person who wants to be designated as a LHS Scientist would be required to submit their own LOI to indicate their specific career goals and educational needs. If only one individual wishes to be designated as a LHS Scientist, they may engage a colleague as a project co-investigator. In that case, only a single LOI would be needed. 

How many candidates will be selected?

Two scientists will be selected annually in 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027.

What is an example of a research project?

Investigating patient-centered outcomes critical for evaluating a new clinical strategy to address access barriers to behavioral health treatment for GI patients at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. A prospective EHR-embedded observational study to develop evidence to include patient-centered outcomes critical for fully evaluating the clinical strategy of group GI behavioral health compared to individual GI behavioral health treatment.

Do I have to be a Dartmouth College or Dartmouth Health employee to apply?

No, we welcome candidates who meet the eligibility criteria who may or may not be affiliated with either Dartmouth College or Dartmouth Health. Selected scientists are expected to carry out an experiential learning project within the Dartmouth Health learning health system.

Will selected scientists receive salary support for the 20% full-time equivalent effort expected for participation in the Center’s research and training program?

Whether salary support is provided directly by the Center or from other sources will depend on the alignment between the applicant’s proposed research and their usual professional responsibilities. We expect that many prospective E-STaR Scientists will be able to carry out their projects in the course of their usual professional responsibilities. Some scientists may be eligible for 20% effort support subject to NIH salary cap.

Can a person with a training grant (e.g., K01, KL2, K08, K23 award) participate as an E-STaR Center scientist?

Yes, and the activities must be complementary and distinct from those of the training grant.

What is PCOR?

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) helps people and their caregivers communicate and make informed health care decisions, allowing their voices to be heard in assessing the value of health care options.

What is CER?

Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) compares the effectiveness of two or more interventions (e.g., medical treatments, services or health care practices) examining their risks and benefits.