Upcoming Events
Winter Astronomy Night
Saturday, February 1, 2025
See “special events” for more details.
The Dartmouth College Physics and Astronomy Department holds public observing nights on clear Friday nights during the school year (September through May), typically starting at 8:30pm in the North Shed Observatory. We invite the community to join us at the on-campus observatories for tours, telescope viewings, and night sky presentations.
Public observing occurs in the North Telescope, a small white shed behind the Shattuck Observatory (pictured above). Red lights will guide the way to the public observing.
Other informal observing nights may be announced periodically via our Instagram.
Directions and Parking
Traveling along East Wheelock Street toward the Dartmouth Green, take the first right after Alumni Gym (on left) onto Observatory Road.
Traveling along West Wheelock Street toward the Dartmouth Green, take the second left after the Hanover Inn onto Observatory Road.
From either direction: Once on Observatory Road, go up the hill and through one intersection. The Observatory is on the right as you reach the top of the hill.
You may park anywhere in the nearby parking lots during observing hours. Please do not park in the small dirt lot just behind the Observatory.
We look forward to seeing you!