Tyler Monson
Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Director, Consortium of Studies in Race, Migration, and Sexuality
Tyler Monson is joining us as the Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Director of RMS. He earned his Ph.D. in English from Marquette University. He has research and teaching interests in post-1945 American literature, queer of color criticism, militarism, and surveillance studies. His current book project, Unmasking Militarized Masculinity: Sissies and the Security State, argues an ideology of militarized masculinity to be a key criterion of inclusion to the US nation-state for some racial and sexual minorities, and instigates a mode of critique from the epistemological position of a sissy figure. He has co-written a chapter with Jodi Melamed, a member of RMS’s National Advisory Collective, to be published in the forthcoming No Deed but Memory: Forging American Freedom in W.E.B. Du Bois’s Twilight Years, edited by Phillip Luke Sinitiere (U of Mississippi Press).
Contact Information: Tyler.S.Monson@dartmouth.edu