- Globalization and its Future: Do we Need a New World Trading System? in Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Maurice Obstfeld and Petia Tapalova (eds), Steering Structural Change: Rethinking Government Policy to Support Fundamental Economic Transformations. MIT Press, forthcoming 2025.
- Comment on Giovanni Maggi’s “Anti-lobbying gains from international agreements,” Journal of Monetary Economics (109), 2020. [slides].
- Understanding Trade Wars (with Aaditya Mattoo), in Meredith A. Crowley (ed), Trade War: The Clash of Economic Systems Threatening Global Prosperity, A VoxEU.org Book, CEPR Press, May 2019.
- Non-Tariff Measures and the WTO, in Ben Zissimos (ed.), The WTO and Economic Development, MIT Press, 2019. [slides].
- National Sovereignty in an Interdependent World (with Kyle Bagwell), in Lili Yan Ing and Miaojie Yu (eds.), World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment, Routledge, November 2018. [slides].
- “On the implications of digital technologies for the multilateral trading system,” in WTO World Trade Report 2018.
- Multilateral or bilateral trade deals? Lessons from history (with Chad Bown and Alan Sykes), in Chad P. Bown (ed), Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump, A VoxEU.org Book, CEPR Press, June 2017.
- Can the Doha Round be a Development Round? Setting a Place at the Table (with Kyle Bagwell), in Robert C. Feenstra and Alan M. Taylor (eds.), Globalization in an Age of Crisis: Multilateral Economic Cooperation in the Twenty-First Century, University of Chicago Press, January 2014. [slides].