International Trade

Fall 2024-25

Classroom: Rockefeller 003. Time: 8:50-9:55, MWF; x-hour Th 9:05-9:55.

Professor Robert Staiger:

Office: 319 Silsby; Phone: 646-9345; Office Hours: M 5:00-6:30pm, W 11:30am-1:00pm

TA Lindsay Harris Office Hours: Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 pm and Thursdays 10:00-11:30 am in Berry 171A (unless otherwise specified)

Special Announcements:

We WILL have x-hour on Thursday October 17! We WILL NOT have class on Friday October 18!

Paper Topic; Background reading.

A small tariff for a large country

Basic Trade Model Coding Challenge (no points, just for the Glory!)

Slides from first day of class.

Trade Talks Episode 180: The WTO is in trouble. Econ 101 to the rescue?



Problem Sets

  1. Problem set 1; Due in class Monday September 30. Answers.
  2. Problem set 2; Due in class Friday October 4. Answers.
  3. Problem set 3; Due in class Monday October 14. Answers.
  4. Problem set 4; Due in class Wednesday October 16 (same day as the midterm exam!). Answers.
  5. Problem set 5; Due in class TBA. Answers.
  6. Problem set 6; Due in class TBA. Answers.

Current Exams

  1. First Midterm; Answers.
  2. Second Midterm; Answers.

Old Exams

  1. Practice First Midterm; Answers.
  2. Practice Second Midterm; Answers.

Non-Technical Articles

  1. Trade Talks Episode 180: The WTO is in trouble. Econ 101 to the rescue?
  2. Trump’s Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide
  3. Economists Say Trump Seems To Misunderstand Significance Of Trade Deficits
  4. The drivers of bilateral trade and the spillovers from tariffs
  5. Old Ideas, New Insights: The Ricardian Revival in International Trade
  6. Winners and Losers from Globalization 1; Winners and Losers from Globalization 2
  7. WTO World Trade Report 2007
  8. National Sovereignty in the World Trading System
  9. What can Developing Countries Achieve in the WTO?
  10. Labor, Environment and the World Trading System
  11. Liberalizing Agriculture

Not-Very-Technical Articles

  1. An Introduction to the WTO and GATT
  2. Economic Theory and the Interpretation of GATT/WTO
  3. Canada Dairy Subsidies
  4. Trade Liberalization and Food Security
  5. Dispelling Some Misconceptions about Agricultural Trade Liberalization
  6. The Economics of Permissible WTO Retaliation

More-Technical Articles

  1. *A Direct Test of the Theory of Comparative Advantage
  2. *An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade
  3. *New Trade Models, Same Old Gains?; OECD Input-Output Database; The long and short (run) of trade elasticities
  4. When trade stops: Lessons from the Gaza Blockade 2007-2010
  5. Why Trade Matters After All
  6. German Foreign Trade and the Reparation Payments
  7. *Optimal Tariffs and Market Power: The Evidence
  8. *The World Income Distribution; What Remains of Cross-Country Convergence?; Asiaphoria Meets Regression to the Mean; Being Charged by an elephant: A story of globalization and inequality
  9. Trading Population for Productivity
  10. Aid, Dutch Disease and Manufacturing Growth
  11. NBER Working Paper No. 11947: What’s so Special about China’s Exports?
  12. *Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods
  13. The China Syndrome
  14. *The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries
  15. NBER Working Paper 9161: Winners and Losers over Two Centuries of Globalization
  16. Were Heckscher and Ohlin Right?
  17. *Trade, Turnover, and Tithing
  18. Trade and Inequality in Developing Countries: A General Equilibrium Analysis
  19. *What Do Trade Negotiators Negotiate About? Empirical Evidence from the World Trade Organization
  20. How Large is the Bias Against Exports from Import Tariffs?
  21. Strategic Trade, Competitive Industries and Agricultural Trade Disputes
  22. Measuring Industry-Specific Protection: Antidumping in the United States
  23. *Trade Wars: What do they mean? Why are they happening now? What are the costs?
  24. Is the WTO Passé?
  25. *Multilateral Trade Bargaining: A First Look at the GATT Bargaining Records
  26. *A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century

International Economics Links


  1. WTO Home Page
  2. ALI Principles of Trade Law: The World Trade Organization
  3. World Bank Home Page
  4. IMF Home Page
  5. USTR Home Page


  1. The Center for International Data at U.C. Davis
  2. Forum for Research in Empirical International Trade
  3. U.S. Antidumping Database
  4. Trade Polls
  5. World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
  6. WITS World Trade Indicators
  7. Temporary Trade Barriers Database
  8. GATT Bilateral Negotiating Records
  9. WTO Tariff Analysis Online
  10. Global Preferential Trade Agreements Database
  11. Federal Reserve Economic Data


  1. NBER International Trade and Investment Program
  2. NBER International Finance and Macroeconomics Program


  1. International Economic Law and Policy Blog
  2. Peterson Institute for International Economics